Chapter 18

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Emma felt sick to her stomach, her world spinning wildly as the griever whipped her in the air, her raging migraine not helping matters much either.
The metal pinchers on the tail were clamped tight around her midsection, making it tight and hard to breath.

Bile rose in her throat, nausea making it hard to concentrate.

The crossbow.

Somehow, by some kind of miracle, she had managed to keep hold of it in the ruckus, her fingers almost molded onto the handle.

It was about that time that the ugly thing decided that it liked its food tenderized, and she was sent flying through the air, smacking hard against a tree.

Screaming, a burning pain lanced up Emma's left arm as she landed on it, hard. But she couldn't allow herself to dwell on the pain.

Whirling around, she aimed the crossbow at the griever, trying to focus it with her good hand and what she could of her injured one.
"Come on!" Emma shouted, adrenaline pulsing through her veins, as she fired point blank at the creature.

Shrieking in agony, it attempted to remove the arrow from itself, spinning around, knocking into trees, wooden slivers and bark flying through the air

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Shrieking in agony, it attempted to remove the arrow from itself, spinning around, knocking into trees, wooden slivers and bark flying through the air.

Firing three more times until she ran out of arrows, Emma threw the empty bow at the creature, and bolted.
However, she was able to get no more than twenty feet before she tripped, falling flat, tumbling down the small hill.
With a splash, she landed in what she assumed was the small creek that ran through part of the Deadheads.

Unable to see, Emma could tell she'd injured her right ankle, but wasn't sure how bad.

The griever thundered over down the hill, its screeches grating against Emma's eardrums.

Gasping, holding her hands over her ears, she sucked in a breath through clenched teeth.
An almost unimaginable pain exploded behind her eyes, her vision wavering.

Stumbling to her feet, she made it a few more feet before Emma fell to her knees, and pulling out the machete which had still been stuck in her belt. Her ears felt like they were ringing, all sounds dulled from existence.

An unexplainable odd moment of intense clarity pierced her mind, before being clouded with pain.
Only having time to throw a hand in front of her face, Emma struggled to stand.
Pointing the machete at the monster as the griever charging towards her, her thoughts were on one person.

Newt, I'm sorry.

But the impact she was waiting for, never came.
As Emma threw up her hand, it was like she could almost feel an unseen force picked up the griever, tossing it almost a yard away.
Maybe a freak kind of windstorm?
But....there was no wind. And she could've sworn she felt it. Whatever it was.

Frozen in shock, she stared at her hand, until her self preservation kicked in. Managing to clamber to her feet, Emma ran, bolting through the trees and out of the Deadheads.

The Box.

She could hear the griever tearing through the forest behind her, screeching angrily at its lost prey.
Her lungs were burning, but still she didn't stop, legs pumping hard.

Making it to the edge of the box, Emma collapsed to her knees.
Hearing shocked gasps, she registered a familiar face.

"Gally! Come on let me in! Its right behind me!" Her chest heaving, she looked back at the forest, where she thought she could just barely see the griever coming through the trees.

Gally and another glader, Rich, quickly opened a side of the box, Emma all but toppling into it.
Catching her before she fell, the two Builders helped Emma slide down to the floor, she putting a fist to her mouth.
"Everybody quiet," Gally whispered, as the shrieks came closer.

Her eyes closed, heart pounding, flinching as it barreled right over the top of the cage.
Biting her hand, Emma tried to control her tension.

After what had seemed like an eternity of waiting in fearful silence, Gally deemed it safe to exit the box.
Griever screeches and the metallic clicks that accompanied them had disappeared, fading into the night.

Climbing out of the box, he glanced around before turning to help lift Emma out.
Whimpering a bit as she put weight on her hurt ankle, Emma leaned against Gally for a moment before standing on her own, looking around.

"I need to find the others," she rasped, throat sore from screaming.
Emma began running in the direction of the Council Hall, ignoring the cries of Gally, Rich and Grant to wait, that it might not be safe.

To hell with it.

A haze of smoke covered the glade, several buildings having had caught fire in the chaos.
The smoky outline of the council hall and what could possibly be a few gladers appeared through the smoke. Putting on an extra burst of speed, even though she was injured and exhausted, Emma didn't care, didn't put any thought of to herself.

She had to make sure the others had made it out okay. She had to make sure he was okay.

Limping as fast as her ankle would let her, Emma suddenly stopped. The pain in her ankle briefly becoming too much, making her sucking in a gasp through her teeth as she bent down.

Squinting through the gray smoky haze, the shapes of the people became more defined, and she spotted one person in particular that had her up and running again.

In an instant Emma was there, arms flung around his neck, her head buried in Newt's shoulder.
At first it seemed he was in shock, but then he hugged her back with an intensity almost rivaling her own.

"You're okay, you're okay, you're okay...." she sobbed, all of the emotions she had been experiencing over the last few hours finally coming to the surface, pouring down her cheeks in hot trails.
She wasn't even really conscious she was crying, just relieved that Newt was okay.

Reluctantly, they pulled away from each other, but just enough to see the other's face.

"Love? You alright?"

Her brain registered that he'd been trying to talk to her for a few seconds now, but Emma had dazed out, just memorizing every inch of Newt's face.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay, now."

Abruptly she cut off his next sentence, placing her lips on his. Newt responded, kissing her back, his hands holding her face. The kiss turned almost hungry, wanting, that said everything they wanted to say but weren't quite able to put into words.

Breaking apart, their breathing a little heavy, the couple's moment was interrupted by the sound of an incredulous Chuck.

"When did this happen?!"

And, in spite of everything that had just happened, and everything they'd just been through, Emma laughed, Newt pulling her to him again, smiling against her lips.

Awwwh, some angst, lots of fluff, Newma has been reunited, and....then there's Chuck.😂💕

As always, please vote, and comment on your favorite part of the chapter!😊❤

And lots of loves to my awesomely supportive wattpad fam!🤗❤💕

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