Chapter 15

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Humming under her breath, Emma went about her usual end of day routine, making sure the Medhut was back in order.
Clint and Jeff were taking care of a couple of the Slicers, leaving her alone for a moment.

They'd volunteered for it, so she could stay at the hut, check up on Alby, and had needed some alone time anyways, so she didn't mind.

Sorting through the bottles of pills, checking them, putting them in order on how full or empty they were.
The semi-monotonous work at least provided something to keep her hands busy, and allowed her time to think over recent events.

She's the last one, ever.

Emma knew that couldn't possibly mean anything good. The box still wasn't going down, and had a sinking feeling that they were running out of time.
But, what would happen when that time finally ran out?

The door creaked open startling her out of her working trance.
Newt was standing in the doorway.

"Oh. Hi." Emma greeted him, then turned back to what she'd been doing.

"That's pretty."


Newt's hand was rubbing the back of his neck.
", you were humming."

"Oh?" Standing from her kneeling position in front of a medicine cabinet, she turned around, facing him.

"You....tend to do it when you've got alot on your mind."

Her cheeks reddened slightly, but not from embarrassment.
Pulling her bottom lip into her mouth, Emma was uncertain if she should be smiling or not.

Coughing slightly, Newt tried to cover up his own red flush.
"Um, how's Alby?"

Shrugging in response, her eyes were downcast. "I've done everything I can. At this point....its just a matter of time."
She closed her eyes, grinding her jaw a little.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she put a hand over her face

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Pinching the bridge of her nose, she put a hand over her face.
"The first thing I'm going to do when we get out, is find those horrible people who put us in here, and just...."

Growling, Emma suddenly smacked the cabinet door shut, making a crack in the wood door near the hinge.

"What is it?! This game they're playing with our lives? What's the point if it all?! We're dying in here and they don't--"
she took in a shuddering breath, as if to attempt to hold in her emotions "--even care. All we are is just pawns in some mindless experimen--experi....."

Unable to finish her sentence, it was almost like half of a memory teased her, just out of reach.

"......brosia.......experimental trials, subjects to be ......."

"Em?" Newt came closer, clear concern in his brown eyes.
Shaking her head, the faint strand of half remembered conversation had vanished from her thoughts.

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