Chapter 8

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"Hey Fry..."

The poor boy stood up, accidentally smacking his head on the cabinet door he was unsuccessfully attempting to hide behind.

He rubbed his head furiously, muttering under his breath.
"H-hi Emma." He tried to smile.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, Fry, you act like I'm going to kill you. Please."

When she said that, Fry stood up, straighter.
A mischievous grin stretched across his features.
"So. I guess there is something going on with you two then....."

Emma blushed, turning to walk away. "Maybe..." she sighed under her breath.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you clearly. Could you say that again?" Fry asked, sarcasm dripping from his words, holding a hand up to his ear.

Sighing, Emma hid her face in her hands, groaning. "Don't tell anyone else, okay?"

Frypan's expression drooped.

"But I won't be able to cash in my bet!" He said with a mock gasp, hand on his chest.

Her next expression made the blood seemingly drain from Frypan's face.
"Wait a weren't, uh, actually betting on us, were you?"

He gulped nervously. "No.......?"


"Who else?" Frypan wisely chose not to answer.

"Ben. Was it Ben? Chuck? Minho?" Frypan gulped harder, not meeting her eyes.

Emma pursed her lips together. "Fine. Just keep your shuckety-shuckface mouth closed then," she growled, stalking off towards the Medhut, cursing under her breath. "I'll find out one way or another...."

Fry heaved a sigh of relief when she was a couple yards away.

Fry heaved a sigh of relief when she was a couple yards away

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"I heard that!"

Frypan jumped, turning around back to the kitchen, cursing as he smacked his head a second time on another cabinet door.

Needless to say, Emma was in a semi-foul mood for the majority of the day.

Although she was upset that Fry and some of the others had actually had the audacity to make a shucking bet, Emma got a rush of almost tingly exhilaration when she thought of the almost near kiss.

I can't believe---was he really going to kiss me?!

As might've been expected, Newt and she had kind of avoided each other, which wasn't their usual thing.
It also apparently attracted the attention of Alby, much to Emma's inner horror and embarrassment.

"Did you and Newt have an argument or something?" He'd asked when he found her later that day, making her jump a little, surprised.

Emma hadn't been paying attention, which also wasn't normal for her.

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