10 - By the river

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The sky was colored in the warm shades of orange and the sun was almost setting when I walked out of the school gates.

Rena said that she was going on a date with her boyfriend, so I was left alone once again. I mean, I wasn't salty or anything.

I kicked a small rock in frustration.

Okay, I was very salty. I was seventy percent salt, not water.

Lately, I would always feel like a third wheel when I was with them and I truly hated that feeling. It made me feel like I was doomed to live forever alone while the two of them would act lovey dovey all the time.

I'm not jealous or anything...

"Oh my gosh, you're so funny," a girl giggled near me in a slightly annoying tone that caused me to jerk my head towards her.

Surely, there was a couple around my age walking before me with their arms interlocked and their bodies trying to squish each other. They were walking, or rather, wobbling funny.

Not to mention, they were wearing matching outfits and I didn't know if I should cringe or cry.

I decided to cringe, let go of my grudge against couples, and take myself out on a date, because why the heck not?

After walking for half an hour, I arrived at a river and sat down on the grass. Fortunately, the ground wasn't so damp.

Making myself comfortable, I took a deep calming breath and gazed at the water that reflected the orange shades of the sky above. The breeze was refreshing and I closed my eyes, feeling a sense of contentment.



I opened my eyes to see Jimin standing behind me, looking down at me from above with a smile.

"Lyn? What are you doing here?"

"Jimin," I exclaimed, surprised by his sudden appearance.

I patted the spot next to me and he plopped down beside me.

"I'm having a date right now," I giggled.

His eyebrows jumped as he scanned the area in confusion. I only laughed as he did so.

"Where's the lucky guy?"

I shook my head, smiling at him. "I'm here alone, just pampering myself. But since you're here, why don't we act like we're on a date?"

He chuckled before taking my hand and bringing it up to his lips to place a soft kiss that caught me off guard.

"What the-"

"As much as I'd love to do that... I can't, sweetie. I'm having a meeting here."

I blinked repeatedly, my blush disappearing. "Here? With who?"

He leaned in to whisper, "That's confidential, Lyn," before pulling me up on my feet. "It's getting dark now. I'll take you home."

But I wanted to watch him meeting with someone... I pouted.

"That's not going to happen," he sang playfully.

"Ah," I mumbled. "I forgot you could read minds."

He pulled my hand and started walking. "Come on. I'll buy you ice cream before heading to your house."

I raised an eyebrow. "You have money?"

"How do you think I pay for night clubs?" He chuckled and I scrunched my nose, feeling disgusted all of a sudden. "I'm loaded, sweetie."

"You still go clubbing?"

He shrugged. "It's just how I cope with stress... I drink and keep myself occupied with girls to stay sane."

Ew... As I thought, he's a hoe...

"I heard that," he remarked.

"That only makes you even more stressed, Jimin... Find something else."

"Like what?"

I thought for a moment. "Like a hobby or something."

He chuckled while playfully swinging my arm back and forth. "I do have a hobby. I love dancing."

"Ooo," I cooed, leaning over. "Were you a dancer in your previous life, Mr. Jimin?"

He stopped laughing and licked his lips. The cheerful aura was dissipating at the mention of his past life within seconds and was soon replaced with cloudy chills of uncertainty with a tinge of fear.

He gulped before breathing out, "I don't know."

He didn't know what kind of a man he was before. He didn't even hold a shard of memory inside his head. It's been so long since he received a new identity, he already stopped wondering about his life as a human.

Until now...

He turned to look at me with a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "What do you think I was?"

"Hmm..." I played with his hand that clasped mine, bringing it up on my eye level. "If you really liked dancing, then it must be connected to your previous life somehow... That's what I think."

He nodded.

"I'm sure it is..."

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter and please don't forget to vote if you liked it 🌹

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