31 - Harsh consequence

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I woke up with a jolt and looked around the room, panicking.

I was all too familiar with the kind of room I was in - a hospital room. I was lying on the bed, bandaged once again.

But my parents-

The door opened and a nurse walked in with a notepad.

I jumped off the bed and rushed to her, grabbing her hands, taking her off guard. "How was I transferred here?! Where is this place?!"

"A man carried you here when you were unconscious," she stuttered, blinking. "You're in a hospital, miss. You should lie back down, your injuries aren't fully healed yet."

A man?

"What did the man look like? Did he have silver hair?"

I gasped when she nodded. "Do you know where he is right now?!"

"Miss, you really should-"

I ran past her to the hallway, looking around for Jimin but I couldn't find him.

Someone grabbed my arm and I turned to look at the nurse with teary eyes. "Your wounds will get worse if you don't lay down! You should-"

"But my parents," I choked out. "My parents are..."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Your parents? They're in another room right now. Their operations just finished."

My breath hitched and my eyes widened. "W-What?"

"They're fine, miss Evelyn. Please go back to your bed."

I let out a breath I was holding for so long before dropping to the ground, causing the nurse to squeak in surprise.

They're alive...

She hurriedly crouched down to pull me up. "Oh my god, miss Evelyn," she huffed, exasperated. "Please get a grip and go back to your bed."

I nodded  slowly and did as told.

But then, something clicked in my head.

"Where's that silver haired guy who carried me here?"

She sighed while examining my status. "I don't know. He left as soon as he brought you here."

I nibbled on my bottom lip as my mind was drowning in all the possible situations that might had arisen for him to leave me so suddenly.

A sudden realization dawned upon me and I gasped in horror.

He can't possibly-

Author's POV

Jimin coughed out blood again when the electric rod touched his bare back.

"This punishment is only temporary. For now. Since it's your first time disobeying the rules of the underworld, we have decided to reprimand you lightly this time considering how well you carry our your duties usually."

The three authority figures stood tall on the high platform as they looked down at the soul reaper whose upper body was covered in wounds and bloodstains. His mouth was dripping with blood he never knew he had.

It was the first time Jimin felt physical pain in centuries, and it was way too unbearable for him. He never felt vulnerable and powerless like this. His mind was crying in agony and turmoil, but he was fighting with himself to hide the fact that he was in excruciating pain.

Instead, he continued to glare at the men before him, ticking them off further.

"Again," one of them ordered with a rough tone.

Jimin whimpered when he felt the rod coming closer to his flesh, instilling fear into his brain. His chest heaved up and down faster.

"Do you realize the consequences of your actions now?"

The electric pain spread through his whole body once again and he growled in pain as the intensity was ten times stronger than the previous ones.

"Yes," he breathed out after the electric feeling left him, his head dropping lower.

"Expect your own soul to be perished the next time you commit such violations."

And with that, the figures disappeared into thin air, leaving Jimin to be dragged away to a confinement where he was supposed to repent for what he did.

The more he showed resistance in any way, the longer he was held captive.

With every passing second of torture, the only thing that kept him sane... was a certain girl whom he missed too much.

The only thing he was thinking about was how she might be worrying about him not coming to her for many days.

No matter how many times they asked him what led him to commit such a violation, he never uttered a single word about her. He wanted to keep her safe.

"What if she's crying right now," he would think to himself.

Even if the physical pain they inflicted was excruciating, nothing compared to the pain he felt in his chest when he couldn't run to Evelyn and comfort her in her crestfallen state.

He kept wanting to go to her, yearned to feel her presence, and just go back to how it was, talking about their days and joking around with each other.

He himself wanted to be comforted by her.

He counted the days he was held in confinement, cursing his fate.

He kept reassuring himself that everything will be fine once he is set free and holding her in his arms.

But the authorities had a different thought.

A/N: 🤭

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