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It took hours to meet and greet every noble that was in town. Even nobles from other towns came to meet me today as well. Most of them didn't even make it on the list due to them being older than expected. I was looking for future kings, but close to my age then anything. Jin and Yoongi took me to a cafe to rest my legs.

People immediately served me with food or drinks, all I wanted was sweets. Like I mentioned earlier, I love my sweets. "Yoongi, are there anymore of those prissy people?" I said as a joke.

"No my lady, that was the last of them... is there anyone you will choose now?" He questioned me. Telling him no, he began to write down some notes on the paper he held.

Jin approach us with what I order, also what they wanted as well. I care for anybody no matter the rank, if you are kind to me then I will give you the same kindness in return. Peace and quiet rang throughout the cafe, until Jungkook came with brunch of girls trying to get his attention. Sighing, I stared at them with such hate. "Do you want to move somewhere else your highness" Jin said.

"I shouldn't have to move anywhere because people should know when to keep their voices down!" I rose my voice to get their attention, which worked. The girls stared at me then backed away from the noble, who was alone. I gestured to him to come and sit with me— he didn't hesitate. Jungkook family is the highest ranking nobles in the town. His mother and father works as royal guards.

They also are politicans in the royal court as well... made them 'A' rank citizens. My friend seemed nervous about something. "Are you okay Jungkook?" I sip on tea, wondering why he looks like something is worrying him.

"I'm fine, you know I have anxiety... being around girls gives me a heart attack. I hate when they surrounded me like that" he tapped the table to ease his mind.

Calming him down, I took his hand into mines. I told him, for now on, tell those girls to give you personal space. It's not lady-like to follow a boy they like, that's called being desperate. Nodding his head in agreement, he cleared his throat. "Where is your friend my lord?" I try to get his mind off of the situation. His reply was he had to go back to his town, before dark.

Which was understandable, "But he should stay in town until the future king is chosen" I told Jk as I let go of his hand.

"Question my lady, do you choose from the list of bachelors?"

"I wish. My adviser informed that my mother and father will be choosing my groom. I have no choice on it... if I had to choose, then it will come down to two nobles" I smirked. Jungkook began to sweat like he wanted to tell me something. But he got up, bowed, then walked away in a rush. What was on his mind that he had to go like that? After finishing my snack, we continue walk through the town before going back home.

Stopping to smell the flowers, I noticed my brother in the distance. Wanting to see what he was up to, I walked towards him. I stopped in my tracks again to find he was talking with that noble I saw with Jungkook earlier... fixing my hair, I went to them. "Hello again lord Namjoon" I said. They kind of flinched when I spoke. 

"Am I invisible to you my dear sister?" Hobi pouted.

"I was going to greet you as well, my dear brother but you wasn't patient enough. But anyways, since I saw you with Jungkook, I'm seeing you everywhere? He told me that you went home..." I raised my eyebrow.

"I was going to go home my lady, but the prince stopped me to talk . I was humbly honor... I couldn't pass this opportunity" Namjoon smiled brightly again. Blushing, Jin took his hand and moved it up & down. Thanking him, I cleared my throat... I asked him if he have anywhere to stay until the future king is announced. Shaking his head, he answered no— but he could ask with Jungkook if he has room to spare. Agreeing to that statement, I smiled.

Namjoon went off, Hobi scooted close to me to whisper in my ear "He is pretty cool person, I hope our parents choose him" he snickered. Rolling my eyes, I hit him in the arm. Laughing, he took his servants and walked away. My eyes were glued on to the area that Namjoon went. "If you are done glazing at nothing your highness, then we could be on the way" Yoongi said to get me back into reality.

I walked the other way and they followed. What a interesting day, I may say...


**Namjoon's POV**

After walking away from the royal siblings, I hid behind a wall where nobody was around. Taehyung popped up out of nowhere "How did it go?" He asked cutely. 

"I think it went good, had to put on a fake accent for her but it was worth it. Now we sit and wait for the announcement" I smirked. Tae asked it he thinks he will get picked, by that display, of course I will get picked.

When walking back to the trailer, Jungkook stopped us, he was leaning against the pole. "You have to step up your game Namjoon, the princess doesn't pick— the queen and king does. Luckily, they are not here. They probably want to talk to the nobles here to get a good idea"

"Whoa...whoa... whoa! The hell you mean the princess doesn't pick, all of that acting for nothing!" I snatched Jk by his shirt, but Tae release my grip. I had to impress the same people that took my family away from me. Jungkook explained, IF the royal highness speak to us nobles first before the final choice, then I will get a higher percentage getting that crown. Which means, got to present myself in a way I never did before. Jk was in luck, I was about to rip his head off.

Tae and I went back to the house, I changed out those uncomfortable clothing into my pj's. We reheated the dinner we had yesterday night into the microwave. "Hey, Joon? What you going to do if they found out who we are?" Tae said while waiting for dinner.

"Don't worry little brother, leave everything to me. I will make sure I get that spot no matter what" I grabbed the hot plate. I set it on the table, we began to feast.

"I just want our lives to go back normal again, before the bullshit happened. Before they took our parents because of us. I wish we did things differently back then" Tae pouted as he played around with his food.

"I know Tae... just eat"

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