👑 37 👑

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The politicians did their thing... the people cheered as they declared the dethronement of queen Jung Jisun and the king Park Jinyoung. You can see the light shine through the dark clouds as people toss their arms in the air. My mother fell to her knees in disappointment.

Tears flowed down her eyes, being the caring person that I am— I went to her side. I bent down to her level. "Do you think that you would have won? What were you trying to accomplish out of all of this?" I said to her.

"I just wanted you to be happy, to keep the kingdom at peace. I did want I had to do in order for everything to be in line. I didn't want you to go out of tradition by marrying a peasant. I didn't want to give up my throne because I wasn't ready to start fresh. I wanted what was best for my family and kingdom"

"If you recall wanted the best for everyone then you should have changed. You were so blind by keeping it safe that you didn't see how much it was hurting your people... even your family. Things went wrong once you began to kill the innocent. You wanted to kill us... mother, you weren't fit to be queen since the beginning. You turned this beautiful town into a living nightmare. You may your own kids resent you. Your people were scared of you... making this home into nothing"

The tears kept going, sobs grew bigger and bigger. Hoseok and Namjoon stood behind me, they called me over to talk. Hoseok explained that our mother should be punished for her actions. Then Namjoon added in that she should be exiled for treason. I took a step back in worry.

I couldn't do that to my mom, sending her out. Leaving her home... but he had a fair point. As she did try to kill us and most of Busan. But that is way too harsh, I think. We had to think of something in order to show my mom pain. Out of nowhere, Jin and Yoongi come with a crown. Two, actually.

They had the biggest smilings on their faces. "My lady and lord... these belong to you" Yoongi said. Blankly staring a the gold object, I glanced at Namjoon. It looks like he was about to cry. I told them to hold off until the coronation, if we going to be crown king and queen then we want to do this right.

Jin stated that the citizens are waiting for us to speak. They wonder what we were going to do. Thinking about a solution, I took Namjoon's hand and we walked to the front of the gate. I signaled Hoseok to join as well. My brother grabbed Jimin's hand then stood next to us.

My face was getting sweaty and I was trembling with fear. Doing a speech in front of the whole town was terrifying. Joon pulled me in then kiss my forehead. All the nerves went away after that. Taking a deep breath, I began to speak.

"For this day forth, I Princess Jung Mia will become your queen. I will take Kim Namjoon as my husband, he will officially become king. As we stand here today, we will always remember that no matter the challenges we face... we will stick together as one. No matter what past comes back, we will defeat them together. As your next queen, I will change these ridiculous laws into something more appropriate. Especially the arranged marriage part for the next princess. As for those two, they will be locked up for their crimes. My mother and Jinyoung will be stripped of their status for good. We will promise to take care of this kingdom and change it for the better!"

The cheers once again filled the air. All our hands raised up in the sky. My brother looked at me with such a proud face, Jin and Yoongi cheered as loud as they could, Momo was excited, Jungkook and Taehyung jumped up and down. This was the day I wanted for... the day the royal family bring life to Busan as it once was.

I couldn't wait to see that again.


Two weeks as passed, Namjoon and I were getting ready for the wedding. People are running around making sure things was set because in two more days we will be official. As I was walking back to the room, I spotted my lovely fiancé in the middle of the hallway. Sneakily, I went behind him and hugged him.

"Hey my future husband, why are you standing here?" I asked him.

"Just thinking about my parents that's all" you can tell in his voice that something else was bothering him. I asked what's wrong. He continued that he wishes he could have seen them again and gave them a proper goodbye. A tear dropped on my arm.

I didn't like seeing him upset so, I told him that we could have a funeral for them. Even though we don't have their bodies, it will be the right thing to do. He turns to face me with eyes sparkling like stars. "Do you really mean it?" He said excitedly.

I shook my head and he picked me up then swung me around. Once he put me back on the floor, he gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. What did I do to deserve him. Here come Jungkook and Taehyung standing there, staring at us.

"Take a picture, it will last longer" Namjoon said. His little brother replied that he already did. Laughing, I asked what they were doing here in the main palace.

They both did like this military stand and saluted "Welcome to your next personal royal guards" they said together. Namjoon was blown away by what his little brother said. Since Joon will be bust and everything— why not Taehyung.

This job will keep his brother out of the streets. Not only that, he will be by his kookie all the time. This will be perfect for him. Namjoon told Taehyung that we will be having a funeral for their parents. His eyes lit up like Joon's and hugged him. It's the least I can do for them.

We had a little conversation before we went our separate ways. Namjoon and I had to go to the throne room for something. Once we sat in the chairs, Jin and Yoongi stood in front of us. Confused, I asked what was going on.

The two got down on one knee "As your personal advisor, I Min Yoongi, will be an honor to continue to be your advisor to the end" he said as he kept his head down.

"As your personal servant, I Kim Seokjin, will be honor continue as well"

"But as you rise in the status, we wish to rise in status as well," they said in unison. I raised my eyebrow... were they asking for a promotion? Chuckling at their request, I made them stand.

Walking towards them, I placed my hands on their shoulders. I knew this will come as I have to upgrade them in status. Once I become queen, they will no longer become my personal servant as my mother servants will become mines. Those two will be passed down to Hoseok or be higher than what they are.

I didn't want them to leave me. I'm so used to have them taking of me that they became family. I didn't want other servants with me. I wanted them... what do I do to keep them by my side. Why did I make this difficult than it is.

"As of now, I Princess Jung Mia, as resign Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi as the queen's new personal workers. Once I am queen, you will still be by my side forever"

Their eyes widen as they try to comprehend what I just said. Being a worker to the queen is a big deal as they get their own personal space in the palace, as a better income, healthcare and be treated like nobles while with me. They can provide better lives for their families... as they can live in the palace as well.

Yoongi began to cry, as he couldn't believe to be this high up in ranks. As servants to the kids don't get you as many benefits. A low income, share a bedroom with the other servants, no healthcare, and have to be away from family. Yeah... that is better.

Yoongi and Jin didn't mind about those things as I wasn't a snobby princess. I made sure they were okay with money and sneak them to see their families. They were happy with their status. But this made them happier.

"Thank you so much, my lady, this means so much as you always was kind to us. We promise that we will protect you no matter what" Jin said.

"You always protected me... it's my turn to do something for you"

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