👑 18 👑

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After collecting myself together, we headed back to the town. "Are you sure that you are okay my lady?" Jin asked me in a worried tone. I told him I was fine, this comes to show you that you can't trust anyone... not even friends. Jinyoung stayed with me as we strolled throughout the town.

As we walked, we spotted multiple people surrounding a certain area. Quickly, I went to the pack and see what was going on. Squeezing my way through, Yoongi orders the people to move aside so I could get through. As I saw what was everyone looking at— my eyes couldn't believe it. One of my royal guards was on the ground... bleeding.

I ordered Jin and Yoongi to get help, I dashed towards him "What happened?" I said as I examined the area.

"A suspicious person was walking around here. When I tried to ask questions, then they attacked out of nowhere"

They? I thought to myself. Yoongi and Jin came back with more guards, they attended to him right away. It seems like we have an intruder in the kingdom, which is highly unacceptable. "Yoongi! Get the best guards and find whoever was reasonable for this incident. I want them to be brought to me" I ordered him in an aggressive tone.

Jinyoung and Jin held everyone back including me so I won't get in the way or hurt in the process. This day gets better and better don't you think?


**Namjoon's POV**

Waking up this morning was weird, as I was in the running for Mia's heart. Tossing and turning in the bed, I look over at Taehyung who was snuggled inside his covers. Gradually getting up, I headed towards the bathroom to freshen up. Once dressed, Jungkook came knocking on the door.

"Come in" I said as I brushed my hair.

"Can I talk to you outside?"

Curious, I put the brush down and followed him to the front of the main palace. He was explaining to me that these past weeks will be crucial as it's only me and Jinyoung. "He is tricky as they been good friends for a while. Since they were in diapers... Mia had a crush on him before but now— I don't know. You have to on top of your game in order to pull this off" he stated.

"Don't worry, I won't fail. As long I stick to the plan"

Jungkook responded with good, little details matters in this stage. To get those people off our back, I have to become king... there's no other choice. We continue to talk until we spotted Mia walking out the door, she looked at us. In a very awkward way, we walked back to the room. All I was thinking about was trying to get that crown. But also, thinking of her as well...

When we got back to the room, Taehyung was still in the covers. "Tae, time to get up. You are sleeping for way too long" I said as I walked over to his bed. Pulling the covers, we discovered that it was pillows under there the whole time.

"Where is Tae Tae?" Jungkook said in a panic.

"Probably sneaked out, he used to do this when we were in the trailer. To get some fresh air away from me... he must be mad about something" I told Jk.

Jungkook suggestion to go and look for him, as it can be dangerous. Nodding my head, we headed out the door. Searching the main streets, he was nowhere to be found. Then searched where the lower class citizens were... still nothing. Where has this little brat gone too?

Finally, we walked through the train junkyard, to find him sitting on top of a train create. "Kim Taehyung! What are you doing up there?" Jungkook shouted. I quickly covered his mouth telling him that there maybe people around. He said sorry.

"It took you long enough to find me" he said.

"Yeah, too fucking long. Why do I have to keep repeating myself to you little brat. Do not go anywhere alone"

Taehyung climbs down the train. Once he got back on his feet, he began to walk away. Getting furious, Namjoon grabbed Tae by the arm "Don't you dare walk away from me... what is wrong with you Tae?"

"Nothing, I can't get fresh air?"

I told him no, as the last time he got fresh air— he was spotted. He wasn't allowed to even leave that room. "You really think that you are safe? Because we are living in the palace doesn't mean anything. Because of you guards could be searching this place without notice. Because of you, that those guys know we could be here. Because of you..."

He yanked his arm back, tears rolled down his eyes. Jungkook immediately went into boyfriend mode and hugged him. "Because of me that one of the people is trying to kill us"

Looking at him in a strange way, I walked closer to him. "What did you do?" I said slowly.

"I went out this morning, for a walk and that's it. Nobody was basically around... out of nowhere, this guy comes up to me. Asking me all type of questions... I told him that I was getting things for 'my lord' but he kept staring at me. Then he said my name like he knew exactly who I was. Then he attacks out of nowhere"

My heart dropped to my stomach, was he one of the guys that we owe money too. Taehyung continues the story by explaining he ran to a crowded area, but the guy caught him. Everything happened so fast, the next thing he knew was a guard on the ground bleeding. He also explained that he wasn't spotted by any guards as he was hidden inside the crowd.

He went on his knees and pleaded with me. You can see the hurt in his eyes as he didn't want any of this to happen. My mind couldn't believe this... we were in deep mud. A guard came across us, then asked us if we were okay. All three of us responded with yes, then we got escorted back to the palace. Taehyung was still distraught, knowing that there's a killer trying to get rid of them.

When we stepped in the house, Jungkook's parents came quickly to us. "Jk there you are. Listen, the prince and princess will be accompanying you guys today as there events going around about a suspicious person. We were ordered to watch them until things are clear. Hope you are fine with more people invading your space?"

"You act like we haven't been around each other before" Jungkook chuckled. His parents smiled and went to retrieve the royal siblings. I told Tae to wipe his face and to stay calm. Jungkook took him to the closing bathroom. Not a moment later, here comes Mia and Hobi with their servants.

I smiled when I saw her, then the smile went away when I saw Jinyoung as well. Damnit, there's goes my chance to have alone time with her. Clearing my throat, I bowed at the royal siblings.

"Lord Namjoon, glad that you are okay. We hope we aren't invading you and Jungkook space by entering" Mia said.

"Oh, sister you are too kind. This is our house as well. Don't go ask that silly question, there's no such thing as privacy here" Hobi joked. Rolling her eyes, Yoongi and Jin escorted her to the dining room.

Jinyoung walked up to Namjoon "let the best man win" he said with a smile.

"With my good looks and charms, she won't even notice you"

"We will see about that, lover boy" he said.

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