👑 22 👑

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I heard a voice coming from Taehyung's side when I opened my eyes... I saw a body in front of me. Trying to figure out who it was, I search around. Jungkook was still sitting there with Tae and Jinyoung couldn't have saved me. So who was protecting me?

The head turns back at me, it was the prince. Holy shit! Where did he get here?? The royal guards had apprehended Hung-Gu, he was on the ground face first. Hoseok collapse to the floor, wheezing. Sweat dripped down his neck, you can hear the short breaths he was taking to regain himself.

"Are you alright?" he said.

"Are you alright my lord? How did you know we were here?"

"I took a guess... yes, I'm fine. Just not use to running in that speed. You better thank Mia because she made me come and rescue you" he smiled.

I hope he didn't hear what was said between me and Hung-Gu... because he wouldn't be smiling after that. Everything calmed down once those two guys were brought to their knees. Mia came out of a door that I didn't know it was there.

She hugged me tight, almost knocking me off my feet. Jungkook walked up to her asking if she was okay? Nodding fiercely, she cupped my face making sure I was okay. I grabbed her hands and pulled her in to hug her again.

I felt wetness on my shirt. Was she crying? "Mia, don't cry"

"I'm sorry Namjoon, I couldn't help it. I was so scared after they said that you guys didn't get to the safe room. My mind was going insane... I don't know what I would do if I lost you"

My heart began to pound out of my chest, the look she gave made me want to never let go. I  lean in... but her body was flowing backward. When I glazed up, Jinyoung was holding her tight. "You shouldn't kiss a traitor, your majesty"

"Jinyoung, how dare you pull me like that and what are you talking about? What traitor?" she asked.

"Remember those two brothers that had escaped. The ones who stole the rudy caused mayhem across the kingdom and was accused of kidnapping you..." he points his finger right at me and Taehyung who was holding Jungkook.

Her face had never looked this shocked before. Mia shakes her head, trying to deny the statement. She walked up to me. "It not true right... tell me is not true!"

When I nodded my head, Mia covers her mouth. Tears flowed down her cheeks, seeing her cry was heartbreaking... she orders the guards to seize us. Jungkook defends his friends as he told her that he knew the whole time.

"Why would you do that... keeping that secret from me all this time. You know the consequences of that Jungkook as a knight of the blue rose, you are sworn to tell me everything. As my best friend, I thought you were better than that"

He put his head down, no words came out our mouths. Mia orders the guards to put us in the prison below the palace until she ready to deal with us. "I'm sorry Namjoon, I'm really am... I was scared a-and I—" Taehyung whined from his cell.

I began to chuckled. "Don't betray me Namjoon.. don't betray our family. What family? I have no family because of you. That was the biggest betrayal I have seen in my life!"

"If you were in my shoes then you have done the same thing!" Taehyung shouted.

"I would keep my mouth closed! It's always you Taehyung... no, it's because of you that we in this goddamn situation! Why did I listen to you on that day... WHY!! You are so fucking naive Taehyung. I wish you weren't born"

Jungkook just sat there with his knees to his chest. When we fight, he stays out of it. Whimpers were heard in the cells, I didn't care because this time... he didn't exist anymore.


I couldn't sleep at all last night, the palace was ruined, everyone was on edge, and my heart was broken into millions of pieces. I couldn't believe that he lied to me... all this time, he fucking lied. I wanted to punch something. Yoongi and Jin tried to cheer me up but nothing.

My parents were beyond furious as they told me to handle the traitors. I didn't want to face them either but I had to do something. Getting up from my bed, I got dressed and went to the cells. I haven't been down here in forever, so it was weird.

Making it to their cells, I sat down in a chair against the wall. I order the guard to wake them up. A loud bang to the bars got them up quick. "Wake up now!!" I shouted loudly.

The boys crawled to the bars, they looked half dead. They have only been here for a day... it couldn't be that bad. Crossing my arms, I asked, "Was this a free ride for you? To play with my heart? What you were going to do when you got crown, huh? Take control and toss me on the streets?"

"Mia..." Namjoon said.

"It's your majesty or your highness... correct yourself" I said in an intimating voice.

"Your majesty, I was planning on telling you, I swear. I didn't know when..." Namjoon pleaded.

"I call complete bullshit! What were your intentions here! Why did you come here!" my voice began to get louder and louder. I never raised my voice before, unless it's necessary. Being furious was necessary, I had to keep my dominants. 

All of a sudden Taehyung stood up, he told me that it was out of revenge for treating them like they were nothing. The only reason they caused trouble in the kingdom to keep food on the table and a house over their heads. It was because of the queen and king demands that the citizens are like this.

It was because my parents took away their family from them. Leaving them with nothing in return. "If you haven't caused trouble around my kingdom, then you wouldn't be in this situation. Then we didn't have to do what we did. Your parents were taken away because of you. Because of your actions and ridiculousness... the bounty is over your head because of you" I stated.

"What may us more a prize was because you let us escape Laura... you are the one that seizes us, but instead of turning us in. You let us go" Taehyung said.

My guards and servants side eyed me in disbelief. My face was shocked at how he brought that up. The blood in my body was boiling... Namjoon sat there saying nothing. Taehyung had a smirk on his face as he caught me in the act. He continues on by saying that I let that false rumor go on about them kidnapping me.

"How dare you... how da—"

"SHE DIDN'T KNOW! she didn't know about kidnapping rumors or our parents attempt an assassination of the king or queen. She didn't know what was going on during that time. Don't blame her for what she didn't see" Namjoon said.

Everyone eyes widen, did he just defended me? I wanted to smile but I couldn't. I had to keep my composure... "Are you serious defending her! She got us lock up in a fucking basement, in chains" Taehyung said.

"BECAUSE OF YOU!! Everything we did because of you! I followed along because I wanted to be a big brother. Of course, I didn't like the situation we were in but I wanted to do things differently. Yes, I wanna get the crown... but to change the ways of the land. But your the one that caused us to be caught up in that mess. I should have said no... but we needed it. We needed the money..."

I sighed, I don't know if he was telling the truth or not. I turned to Jungkook cell, then asked him why and how. If he knew that was them, then why not let me know.

"The reason I didn't say anything because..." he said.

"I saw that Taehyung been clinging to you before you were put in here? Why's that?"

"Because we been dating for three years that's why" Jungkook said

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