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**Namjoon's POV**

Throughout at that morning, I was fearing for my life, Jungkook stood there as I paced up and down the room. Taehyung laid in the bed, minding his own business. "The day as freaking come! What if I don't get chosen?? Then what!!! We would be so fucked!" I shouted.

"Namjoon chill, before you break something in your mind. If you don't get picked, then we will have to steal the crown. But can you do that to your Laura..." Taehyung sarcastically said. Since yesterday, me and him being at each other throats. Then we really were at it when I told him that I starting to grow feeling for Mia

"Don't start with me Taehyung, today is not the day for your childish acts" I told him. Then the whatever came out of his mouth, that's when he puts the cover over his head. Jungkook got uncomfortable as he left the room to get my clothes for this evening. I sat down at the window to clear my mind.

"Hope you don't blow this up big brother" he added as he sat up. "We have one shot at this... one shot. If you don't become king or we failed to steal the crown then it's off with our heads"

"I'm not going to screw up Tae"

"You say that now, but I can see that she will change your mind. The fact that you grow feelings for her is already a fuck up. This is not about your love life Joon. It's about us, getting our names cleared and not dying okay" his voice became a little aggressive. You can tell that Tae was getting mad when he voice drops. I told him that having feelings for someone doesn't stop me to do things. Like it didn't stop him from dating Jungkook, the highest noble out of all nobles.

He shouted to me that Jungkook was different, that he can't really help us without getting discovered. But loving the princess, where she's a huge asset to us, was a problem. "So you can find love but I can't??" I said.

"At least my love isn't a fucking monster who kidnapped our parents!!"

"They were dragged away because of us, Taehyung. We are the reason for all our fates in this kingdom... don't blame something that you do not know"

That's when he stormed out of the bed, then went to the door. "Are you really choosing her over your own family?" he said as he exited the room. It wasn't fair, I can't control who I fall for. But I can't betray Tae either... but my heart is telling me something. If I go with my heart, then will I win this battle?

Throughout these days, my only goal was getting revenge on those who destroyed my past and made my future hard. When I met her, my mindset began to change. As I got to know her more, drove away from that hatred into love. To find out she was Laura made me happy. She was the key part of our survival... to find the princess just want what's best for the citizens, made me realize that she cares about us.

My heart grew deep in sizes, I still want to clear this debt. But I don't want to hurt her, should I tell her the truth?


**Back To The Ball**

After our little dance, we went to go get a punch. "Are you okay my lord? You seem distracted?" I asked Joon as he pours the punch in the cups. He shook his head as he said yes, he was fine. He probably is scared just like the other nobles in here. We went to the corner to talk some more.

"Hey, Mia. Do love change your perspective on things?"

"Coming from a person who hasn't had true love, I would say yes. If you found that special someone, you know. That person could change your own way of thinking. Because you want to do whatever best for them, as well for yourself. Love can open up your mind into new worlds, rather it's good or bad"

He tried to put a smile on his face. But end up frowning instead. I gave him a kiss on the cheek to see if that does anything. Asking him why did he want to know that... he was about to say something but Jinyoung pulled me away. I said goodbye to Joon, who stood there with sadness. We headed up on the balcony that looks over at the garden.

"Is something wrong Jinyoung?"

"I just want you by myself for a minute that's all"

Giving him a weird look, I asked what was him and Momo was whispering about earlier. He chuckled before turning to me, he grabbed my hands. "We wanted to surprise you with a gift" he pointed me to the fountain area, that's when Momo turned on the lights. The fountain lit up with colorful lights. The garden was covered with blue roses... I covered my mouth in shock.

Baffled by the scene, I turned to Jinyoung "It just like the day we met, on that field of rare blue roses" I began to tear up. His wiped my eyes, then said that he wanted me to remember him by something if he doesn't get picked. That Momo helped him out by ordering the flowers and the maids set it up. I gave him a huge hug... I was thankful for him.

He lifted my chin up and lean in, but someone had to ruin the moment. "Your highness, your mother is ready to announce the groom" Jin said as he led the way. Jinyoung caresses my cheek as we headed inside.

I joined my family back at the thrones. I made sure I composed myself as my mother got everyone's attention. "We are ready to announce the groom for our future queen. Participants, would you please line up, shoulder to shoulder" that's what they did. My hands began to sweat again as the fixed themselves.

"Thank you for all who came to express yourself to your majesty. The king and I talked for so long and couldn't make a decision... which it's down to two people"

Couldn't make a decision?!?! What the hell are they talking about? My mother hushes the talks in the room, she stated the reason why was because these two gentlemen have stolen at her heart but mines. She will give these two more months to hang around me. After the two months was over, I will get to choose my king before the coronation.

I couldn't believe this... when she announced the nobles, my jaw dropped open. Why did I know it was going to be them.

"We are an honor to be chosen your majesty" Namjoon and Jinyoung said as they bowed.

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