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The next morning, a knock came at my door. I didn't want to get up at all. Then I heard a creak, I turned around to see Jin walking in "Good morning my lady, you need to get up as it is ball day" he said with a smile. He entered the room with Yoongi. They both seem excited about today as for me... I wasn't.

I couldn't believe that this day has come, where I get to meet my future 'king' the other night when I came back. I told my mom everything about the dates with the different nobles, as for some was a complete gentleman. Yoongi walks towards me and snatched the covers away.

"Today is not the day to lying around your majesty. We need to get things before the ball, like your grown for example. I heard that is beautiful, just like you"

"Do you really need me to get the grown Yoongs... I want to sleep as I need my energy for the ball tonight. Where I gave up my freedom" I pulled the cover back over me as I said that. They know that everything will change at this moment. I don't want to do this, another knock came at the door.

"Don't think about it that way princess" Jinyoung said as he enters in. What was he doing here? Other less than my room, I quickly sat up in my bed and ask. This answer was "I wanted to stop by before the chaos start. Plus, Momo wanted me to meet her at the royal tailor's. So may as well go with you" he bowed.

Jinyoung was always kind to me and an awesome childhood friend. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets chosen. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. It took a minute, but I was sneaky clean... the servants dress me up from head to toe. When we walked out of my room, Hobi walked passed.

"Well, well, well, my older sister will finally see who the man of her dreams is" he said with a chuckle. More like a nightmare of my dreams, I asked him where he was going. He said that he had errands to run before the ball. I wished him luck as we went our separate ways. Once outside the palace, I asked Jinyoung why was he really here?

"Momo really do need to talk to me about something. I swear Mia... I wouldn't lie to you" he said with a smirk.

"Like you said when you put that bug in my pillowcase and lied that Hobi did it" I raised my eyebrow as I smiled. He began to laugh at the expression. Out of nowhere, his hand intertwined with mines. My cheeks turned rosy as I looked at him.

"What you doing Jinyoung??"

"I can't hold your hand like the good old days?"

"It's different this time Jinyoung, you may be my groom. People may think you were already chosen" I let go of his hand but he pulls me back. I hate him so much, sometimes. When finally arrived at the tailors where Momo was waiting for her grown. When she saw us, she rushed to Jinyoung with a huge hug.

Jealousy boiled in my blood. But, I let it slide since she is one of my closest friends. "Hello princess" she bowed to me after she let go of him. I did the same thing back, then I asked her why did she want to talk to Jinyoung. "That's a secret Mia, you not supposed to know" when her grown come out, her servant grabbed it. Then she snatched Jinyoung away as they walked out.

Strange, the worker noticed me and immediately went to get the grown. I sat down at the bench until it's arrival. "You okay your highness?" Yoongi said.

"I don't know Yoongs, just nervous that's all. I wonder what my mother will choose to be my groom" I put my arm in my knee then placed my head on my hand. Jin sat down next to me, then patted my hair.

"There, there my lady. Everything will be okay" his smile reassured me. But it's not going to fix this arranged marriage thing. The worker came out with the grown, then handed it to Jin, who carefully placed in a plastic bag. I thank the worker, then we left. When I stepped outside, Momo was whispering in Jinyoung ear. Curious, I went close to them...

"We are still on during the ceremony?" she said.

"Of course... she doesn't know"

I could have heard more but Yoongi pulled me away to continue our errands.


Later that evening, my room was a total mess. Maids are running around, getting me ready for this ball. Jin and Yoongi were directing them on what to do and how I supposed to look. I sat there stiff, not wanting to ruin anything they did.

"Whatever happens, you will make a great queen, your majesty" Yoongi said as he caresses my cheek.

"Like Yoongi said, but remember the other option as well" Jin whispered in my ear. Yoongs looked puzzled as he was trying to figure out what Jin said. It was almost that time for me to walk out that door, a free princess.

Before leaving my room, both my servant hugged me for comfort. I took a deep breath as they led me out to the ballroom. All eyes were on me as I walked down the stairs. Everyone in the kingdom was here as well as the participants. I first glanced at Jinyoung, who stunning as normal, then Namjoon was standing next to him... looking like royalty.

My eyes couldn't get off of those two, wow. As I got close to them, my foot got caught on something. My balance went off, guess who catch me... Namjoon "Be careful princess, that beauty shouldn't be ruined" he smiled as he lifted me up back to my original state. Jin rushed towards me to brush me off and guided me to the throne, where my family was standing.

"Welcome, ladies and gentleman to the royal ball. You will witness the selection of princess Mia's groom. Until that announcement, please enjoy yourself at the party!" my father shouted. People began to mingle as we sat down.

"How are you doing Mia?" Hobi said.

"Like I'm going to explode with anxiety. I'm so nervous"

"Don't worry, our parents won't do you wrong with the selection" Hobi got called down to dance with a girl. Leaving me here with the parents, my hands were sweating and sticking to the seat. I summoned Jin over to helped me calm myself. He handed me a towel to wipe my hands down. He patted me carefully as it was his way to comfort me.

Namjoon came up to the throne to ask me to dance. I agreed as I took his hand... he guided me to the danced floor. We began to dance.

"You okay after the trip?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks to you, my lord. I would have fallen on my face. That would be embarrassing"

He chuckled at my cuteness. I was surprised by how he danced, so gently. Then he asked what will I do if he didn't get picked. I had to think about it as I averted my eyes to the ceiling, then I said cry. That's when he pulled me closer, I wrapped my arms around him tighter.

"Don't cry Mia, I will always be here for you no matter what" he whispered in my ear. "Groom or not, I will always come and visit you just to hang"

What he said made me want to cry, Namjoon sounded so sincere with his words. Like something changed him before the ball.

I wonder what was bothering him...

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