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As we arrived at the chapel, I could see the stage where Namjoon and Taehyung will be killed. My stomach dropped to my legs.... everyone was escorted inside while I stay outside with my servants. Nobody can see me yet.

"What to do, what to do?" my hands were getting sweaty as the clock ticks by. Jin takes out a napkin to pat the sweat away. Then he used it to wipe my face.

"My lady, your makeup is going to be ruin. All you have to do is wait... everything will line" Jin stated.

Jinnie's words are always comforting but I cannot stop thinking about it. That's when Yoongi gently took me by the shoulders. Making me look up in shock. He moved his shoulders up then down, indicating to breath. I have been paranoid since my mother put them in a death sentence.

"No matter what your majesty, we, your servants will always be by your side. Marriage or no marriage, queen or no queen... Jin and I will serve you until beyond the stars" Yoongi told me.

I wanted to cry because they have been by my side since I was born. These old geezers have raised me and taught me more than I could imagine. No matter if I get in trouble or do wrong, they always there. Cheering for me and loving me like their own. I hugged him so tight "I love you Yoongs" I buried my head into his suit.

Jin joined in the warmth. The doors opened, the guards told me I could stand in the main hall. Everyone has taken their seats and is ready for my arrival. The two fixed my gown and we headed inside. I fanned myself so I won't sweat anymore.

The bell was heard throughout the kingdom, which means it was time for me to walk down the aisle. Jin and Yoongi stood behind me then took hold the back of my gown. Once those doors opened, I began to walk forward. All eyes were on me— some were not smiling as others.

As I was walking, I saw Momo, smiling. Even though this situation is going to get worse. It was still a good experience. In the front was my parents, Hobi, and other members of the family. Jungkook was with his family and the Blue Rose right behind them. Right in middle was Jinyoung, smiling.

He reached his hand out for me to take it. Which I did, but hesitated. I stood in front of him, he lifts my veil up. The wedding began.


**Namjoon's POV**

"I feel like we been walking forever" I whined. The prison of Busan was quite far from the actual kingdom. It was in the middle of nowhere, basically. We left there yesterday night... we should have seen the town by now. Taehyung dragged his feet along as Jimin was ahead of us.

"I told you we will be there soon..." Jimin stated as he saw the peak of the palace. He did a 'ha' when we caught up to him. Well thank fuck, now we have to get to the chapel on time. We took a break before moving on.

We carefully walked through the front gate as I said before not everyone is on her side. Taehyung came up to me and clinched to my arm "What are you going to say when we get there?" He whispered.

I had no freaking clue what to say... how was I'm going to prove my love to her? Should I expose the queen as well? Should I just kiss her? What the fuck should I do?? "I know what to say" I lied.

The kingdom was quiet, nothing but birds chirping in the air. Every citizen and noble was at this wedding or even by it. I prayed to the person above to give me the strength I need to do this. Right now, I'm about to puke up a storm.


No sign of Namjoon yet, luckily we haven't gotten to the vows— which I still didn't have. I glanced at Hobi who was keeping an eye out from Jimin and the brothers. Momo was doing the same, constantly stretching to see them but nothing.

The pastor continued to talk, Jinyoung noticed my hands were shaking. He takes hold of it "Don't be nervous, we will be together soon" he said as he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. Not a moment too soon, the vows portion came. We both face each other.

Jinyoung took out a piece of paper, it wasn't long thanked god. "Jung Mia, we been friends since diapers and you become something I always dreamed about. You are a loyal, passionate, and very caring person that I would love to spend the rest of my life with. I will forever be grateful to you and your family for what they did for me. I love you"

That was one of the fakest vows I ever heard. You can see through his eyes that he didn't mean any of that... bastard. Things got silent, they were waiting on me to deliver my words. "Jinyoung, thank you for always being there for me when the time is right. Can't wait to spend my life with you" I faked said.

The crowd around me did a noise, it was a mixture of things so I couldn't figure out what they were saying. The pastor said a few more things that I didn't care or understood. But it was nice... I guess. He told us to face each other once again.

"Do you Park Jinyoung take this princess to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part" the pastor said.

"I do"

He said the exact same thing to me, but a long silence filled the room. Everyone was waiting for my answer. Mummers began to fill the empty space. I glanced at my mother who had this look of death. "Mia, you have to say I do from the whole thing to be completed" she said in a threatening voice.

I ignored her and searched around the room. Where was Namjoon? If I say this then it will be official. I didn't want to do this. Jinyoung nudged me and asked what was wrong. Like my mother I ignore him. Hoseok turned around as well to check. He shrugged his shoulders when nothing came.

No... did they get caught? My mother came up from behind my back. She pretended to me "I do.." then quickly sat down.

"Will you?" Namjoon voice said in the back. You can see Jimin, Taehyung, and him out of breath. I knew they will make it, I knew it. My citizens face change to happy ones. After taking his breath, Namjoon began to walk toward.

"Princess Jung Mia, you deserve better than that snake right there. Will you take my hand in marriage and be my wife"

That's when things got heated...

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