Capítulo 1 (uno)

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Romano's PoV:

The world around me stopped and when I breathed out some of the air in me, it started to move again. Everything was perfect; the time seemed to not affect me as I laid in my land of dreams. The soft, green grass around caressed my cheekbones, going up and down despite the fact there was no wind. Then it moved to my lips, making them go apart and I let it play its game when I finally realized – there was no way for grass to move like that!

I groaned loudly but it got muffled by the soft surface of a pillow after I turned from a persistent finger that had me thrown back into reality. Why was the world so cruel? I let the thought soak and eventually disappear in my mind as the finger, and actually four more of them, making it a hand, found my cheek again.

It was kinda pleasing though; the smooth, lingering movements against my skin, appearing to be almost ghost-like. Yeah, I liked it and after few seconds turned towards the direction the hand came from. Soft vibrations of a low chuckle creeped into the furthest corners of my quite small frame. I knew damn well to who the sound belonged and at any other part of the day I would've ripped his head off, but it was still an early morning for me to be mean, so I let him show such affection towards me.

"You like it?" his raspy voice purred and I could've only hummed in agreement as his hand now rested on my back, drawing my body closer to his until we were pressed together. I could've never actually believed how soft I was early in the mornings but he didn't seem to complain one bit. One time, I asked him about it (being it an early morning again, so my brain was only starting to process everything) and he only stated that I have grown up.

His fingers left gentle touches on my lower back and waist as his hand moved up, feeling in the curves of my body, before cupping my face. His thumb brushed away some of the sleep I was still regaining from and I finally opened my eyes to see his half-closed, gazing down at me. My breath hitched as he pressed the soft skin of his lips against mine but I let him have his way. My hand travelled up his chest and stopped to heat up a place on his neck. I let him pull me closer until we were tangled in one and I had my hand on his cheek.

Yeah, I'd never told him but mornings were my favourite part of the day. Mainly because of this; because the whole world belonged to us and no-one could've interrupted our happy hour. And it also seemed to be his favourite part of the day, too.

"Eres tan agradable en la mañana" he mumbled as he pressed our foreheads together and muttered a "y que lindo cuando duermes" before sealing our lips into one again. His voice in the morning always sent shivers down my spine, not to mention his mother language joining in. I sighed dreamily into his mouth and grabbed a fistful of his hair, earning a groan that got me all heated up.

I had no idea how or why I did it, but I pushed him backwards, so he'd have to lay down onto his back and once he was like that, I hopped onto him, not breaking away. He nibbled at my bottom lip and I could feel him smirk when I let out a soft moan as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing me against his lower regions.

I pulled away and glared at him. "Stronzo" I muttered and he let out a low chuckle. "Solo tuo" he stated with a wink. I growled quietly and got down only to lay beside him. As my body got pinned to him, I could not help but melt at the sound of his heartbeat. Yes, I grew softer and became a sap, fucking kill me for that!

I let his scent overflow me and I could feel a small, happy smile in his sigh. Yeah, let me correct that – we both became saps. But there were no emotions going on between us whatsoever; we were just filling each other's holes of emptiness and loneliness up, feeding the glutton of desire that grew in our souls.

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