Capítulo 12 (doce)

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Antonio's PoV:


The boy's body laid unconsciously in the mud, rain trailing down his face. Stopping my horse and getting down from it, I rushed to his side. Carlos followed me, rising Roma's head with his hand. His other hand rested on the Italian's neck for a while and then his met mine. "Su corazón sigue latiendo."

I placed my hand onto his chest and felt small thuds of the organ, but...his chest wasn't moving one bit. "Él no está respirando," I mumbled and panic bolted through me. Everything around stopped but my brain which was on the very edge with ideas. Time was running low and I knew that if I didn't do something in the next minute or so, he would've died.

And then, an insane thought popped into my head – mouth-to-mouth breathing. It was the only thing I could've had done at the moment and I didn't care what the two other men would've thought about me from then on. "Dar un paso," I breathed out and after a quick, uncertain glance at me, Carlos stood up to catch Romano's horse which was still panicking.

I leaned down, stopping inches from the boy's lips. My eyes scanned his face for just a second; his soft features, unmoving eyelids and the water that was wetting it. At last, I took a deep breath and crushed around mouths together. Air pumped into his mouth and probably down his throat for I didn't feel it coming back. I straightened up, took a deep breath and sealed our lips again.

When I repeated this move few more times, my insides started to shake; there were no signs of him breathing. I pressed two fingers against his neck, just under his jaw and felt the fading sound of his heart. My blood turned into adrenaline and pushed more air into him.

'Come on, come on...!' Another second and he would be dead. But nothing happened. His heartbeat was so weak I didn't feel it anymore and there were no signs of him waking up. He was limp on the ground, just rain coming down on us. Everything was silent, the sky being lightened up by lightning but I heard no thunder afterwards.

"Señor....-" Their voices fainted into distance as I remained there, on the rain-soaked ground, kneeling beside the unmoving boy. My hand pressed against his chest, the other joining it and with fingers locked, I pushed against it. Then again. And once more. Then breathed into his mouth; and repeated the whole process again.


"Roma—" Air rushed into his body in a gasp. Coughs filled my ears and his eyes were being squeezed. I let out a little sigh of relief at that and cradled the boy's small body in an embrace. He was shaking against me, skin being too cold for my liking but still; he was alive.

It almost gave me a heart-attack, adrenaline finally fading and I stood up with the Italian in my arms. I hopped onto my horse's back, Carlos helping me lift the small frame up and place him carefully on my saddle. His legs hung lifelessly around the animal, all of his weight shifted against me as his head turned with every move we made.

"Sólo unos minutos más; vamonos," I said through the heavy drops of water and motioned for the mammal to go forward. As it turned out, galloping with another person on board was hard for both the horse and I. My prediction of few minutes actually turned into, at least, an hour not only because of this but also because of Roma's horse who was beyond scared.

I handled the horse with one hand while the other was busy holding the Italian so he wouldn't have fallen down. Because of the shock his body went through, he was out cold. My coat was still wrapped around him but was rather dirty with mud, making something inside of me grumble at that. Yes, the piece of clothing was important to me but so was Roma's life; what was a piece of wool to a young boy's life?

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