Capítulo 17 (diecisiete)

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Elizabeta's POV:

I drew out a long yawn, my head aching and so did my body. Funny; how could it even find the energy to ache? I was flopped on a chair in the study where too many drama happened ever since Toni came here. My legs were outstretched in front of my, hands resting on my belly and if someone walked in, expect of Toni and Roderich, I'd probably die from embarrassment. This was no way for a lady to sit, not even after having a long night but in my alone time, I didn't care.

Toño got hit by exhaustion even more. After I came bursting in, the boy was finally conscious and clinging onto the Spaniard for his life. Antonio held him like something important to him and even though I didn't really find it weird then, I was starting to get concerned now. However, my mind was too tired to think about it at the moment. The youngling was still burning but at least he seemed to be calmed down in the arms of his captain.

At the end, even after trying to convince him many times, my stubborn friend never let go of the small body and pulled him even closer to him, as if protecting him from the outside world. There was too much adrenaline and not enough nerves for me to deal with it so I just let him do whatever he wanted; he was an adult, after all. It wasn't my place to make choices for him. Thus, he stayed up all night, never leaving the Italian's side, not even getting a little sleep. He must've been scared to death, (who wouldn't after that ear-piercing scream?), and so, he pushed himself to be up to watch over the peacefully sleeping boy.

He looked terrible in the morning, dozing off at the breakfast table but he wasn't the only one with darker circles underneath his eyes. The master of this house was also a bit off and informed me he was to take a quick nap before doing all of his work. He's always been weak and sleep was luxury to him and this adventurous night only made me more worried about his health.

I wasn't really scared about Toni, not that I didn't care about him, but he was a person who's gone through worse. At least, physically for that matter. Mentally, well, that was another story. Though he must've gained some nerves and stamina after everything he's done, after all those sins he committed for there was no way a prideful man could sleep so easily after killing someone.

Only if, he didn't break.

And yet, he seemed like the nicest and most gentle person in the World. But why was it? My thoughts wandered to the sick boy again. Was it him? No, that couldn't be....or perhaps? Something inside of me trembled out of excitement. It was a pure woman's sense and it was smelling something new, something unknown and definitely something very, very exciting.

A small smile creeped onto my tired face. Well, it surely has been a bit monotone here. Suddenly, the door behind me opened, making me snap into action. I sat up properly, like a lady would, legs gently pressed against the other, back straight like the string of a violin. "No need to stay on your guard around me." As soft as a man's voice could be, Antonio's baritone danced into my ears. My shoulders slumped a bit, the smile from before recovering quickly as I turned my head towards him.

His hair was damp and his face ought to be just the same. The buttons of his shirt were left open almost to an unprofessional level but I sighed it away. We both did. His soft footsteps darted next to me, his well-built body stopping so he could raise my spirits with his charming smile. No matter what happened, no matter how much has passed, he was always able to master such kind gesture.

"Please, have a seat," I said, motioning with my hand gallantly to a neighbouring chair. "Thank thy, ma'am" was my only reply as he took the little step towards the furniture. It was a bit saddening to watch him sit down with such melancholy and stress, even if he tried to hide the best of it. His hands shook and his whole body shook as he supported himself on the armrests, sliding slowly into the seat.

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