Capítulo 5 (cinco)

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Romano's PoV:

A sudden shot of sharp pain in my side made me jerk awake, eyes agape as I looked around for my sleep's intruder. "We're here," Javier, who appeared to be the one waking me up, warned me in a low whisper. It took my still sleepy brain to process what he was saying but then, when I looked around and noticed the countless people around a stony entrance got hair on the nape of neck standing in both, excitement and fright.

Large hand brushed over my head as the brown cloth of my hood rested atop, the elderly Spaniard putting on his own one. "Can't believe he still didn't think this one out," he mumbled as if only to himself, frustration colouring the words slightly. "Shut up and be glad you're still alive," the other one in front of us responded in a growl but quickly ducked his head for no-one to see.

Hoofs clicking against the stones of a ground in the city, we strode down the streets with people passing by in great crowds. "Entrar fue más fácil de lo que pensaba," I breathed out and despite what I said, my heart was beating fast and loud as adrenaline pumped inside me. "Hay un festival en esta época del año," another voice, raspier and groggy, echoed in my ears.

I looked at Carlos on my right who was facing down, his eyes snapping around from time-to-time. "¿Cómo sabes eso? No hay anuncios," I said and travelled my eyes around again to search for any, perhaps not noticing them from the start. "He vivido aquí," he explained, the tiniest hint of sadness creeping into his voice.

Seriously, sometimes I just felt sorry for these guys; they had to leave their family to save lives of them but also their families'. Yes, of course, they were all being unreasonably fucking stupid but still. For someone like me, who never had family or rather never knew it, was all of this distant, yet, once I've become to know the men better, I realized I had one after all. As sappy as it sounds, whatever experienced one, the others were struck by it, too.

"Oye, ustedes dos," our captain started suddenly and directed his fire on Carlos and Federico, "Sin ofender, pero no necesito atención extra. Ir a buscar algunas bebidas en el pub local o algo. Pero no atrevas a hacer nada que nos ponga en problemas." If I were on their place and in a normal situation, I'd feel offended but Antonio's words held some meaning in them and the guys got it as straight as I and with slight nods, spurred their horses down the unknown street while the rest of us turned into a small alley.

We stopped on the end, people outside going up and down another street and I was quite amazed by the lively way of things here. Javier's voice snapped me back to reality as he ordered me to get down and keep facing downwards. Antonio knocked onto the door few times before it was opened by a blond, green eyed girl, just few years older than me.

Her face was decorated with a polite and casual smile but it soon changed into an honest one as she saw the visitor in front of her. Her thin hands locked around Antonio's neck and her waist was covered by his palms. "Antonio, it's been too long," her sweet voice only brightened the charm around her as she spoke after pulling away. "I know, sorry about that," was the tender reply from the young Spaniard and I felt my chest tighten a bit at the sight.

"Javier," she mumbled and with the same lovely smile greeted the other man, receiving a small nod and smile from him. "Come in, come in! All three of you!" She hurried us inside and I found myself in a tiny but comfy kitchen full of dishes and such. "The lunch is far from even being started, so we can sit and talk here," the lady said cheerfully, the bright grin never leaving her lips. "Or we can go to my room so no-one would see you, mister pirate," she laughed a rich and heart-melting laugh. Antonio's smile widened a tiny bit as he stroked along her back in a friendly manner, "Here's fine."

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