Capítulo 49 (cuarenta y nueve)

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It wasn't until later that day when I finally understood everything. Even whilst packing all of my belongings, it all still felt so surreal and bizarre. I was in some kind of trance where - although I could hear, see and do things – my brain was completely oblivious to what I was doing. My hands moved, but my brain couldn't understand.

I finally came to understand it all when Elizabeta approached us, with a soft yet sad smile on her face. Her eyes laid upon me first, a gentle greeting leaving her mouth but her steps went towards Antonio rather than me. The Hungarian talked to him first. Her palms rested on his shoulders and she had to pause between sentences to blink away the tears gathered in her eyes. When they hugged, it was like watching a couple of close siblings saying goodbye to each other. Toni's hands were resting just few inches under her shoulders, while her head was settled on his shoulder.

Honestly speaking, it was more than heart-breaking to witness a scene like that. Not only because I knew they'd miss each other, but also because I realized I'd miss the lady myself.

When she came to me, I was already feeling melancholy. We hugged, and despite the embrace being shorter than the one she exchanged with the Spaniard, I could feel sincere feelings behind it.

When evening fell and the sky was slowly filling up with stars, we moved to the stables. To my great surprise, getting the horses ready and putting all our stuff on their backs wasn't as difficult as I imagined it. However, I did feel bad for the two animals.

Thud thud

My horse's ears flicked to the side in great speed. "Why aren't you asleep? It's late." The Austrian rolled his eyes at his friend's comment, meanwhile his fiancée huffed. "Like we'd let you go without seeing you out. And without making sure you have enough food. I hope you have some spare space to put this in."

Antonio protested right away, saying they have done more than enough for us, but I took the food with an endearing smile and a cocky glint in my eyes when I looked at the man beside me. The older couple laughed, and Antonio seemed to relax a bit after that.

"Keep an eye on each other."

Nod from both us.

"Don't let him get sick again."

A nod from Antonio, and a snicker from me.

"And please, write to us and stay safe." The plead was soaked through with sincerity and kindness. "Lizzy, please; don't worry about us so much. We've gone through some things you don't want to hear about. But, yes, I'll do my best in keeping him safe."

Her stare softened. Toni beside me sighed heavily, muttering something about this being harder than he thought, before outstretching his hand to shake it with Roderich's.

"Keep an eye on her, and treat her well," he stated quietly. Roderich nodded and squeezed his hand. Taking half a step to the side, he was standing in front of his female friend and leaned down, giving a peck on each cheek. She stroked his face for a second before letting him retire to my side, his body a bit closer to me than it should've been.

"Have a safe trip," Elizabeta said as she watched us get on our horses, hands clutching the fabric of her dress. "Antonio," the master of the house began, being seemingly flushed, "thank you." The man in question laughed but returned his vote of thanks, and before I knew, there was soft breeze hitting my face and the lights grew weaker and weaker with every step we took.

We were already on top of a hill, when Antonio decided to stop for a short while. He looked at the mansion, the small house next to it. The weather was lovely and the sky was clear, unlike the day we arrived. "I wonder how the garden will look like once everything has bloomed," he said with sadness in his voice but quickly turned away, pushing his horse to gallop away, and I knew his every thought, his every feeling because I had the exact same emotions as him at that moment.

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