Capítulo 34 (treinta y cuatro)

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No way was he falling apart. No fucking way. He was ought to be the strong one, the one who knew what to do in all situations. But he was – slowly but surely, he was falling apart, piece by piece right in my arms, slipping through my hands. He shook in my embrace, silent tears filling the air. The candle was slowly dying out as yellowish wax dripped down.

Many minutes passed ever since he dragged me out of my room, hence even half an hour maybe. His frame became still and his breathing loosened up finally, his muscles relaxing a bit at last. After that, we just sat there in each other's arms, nothing more but the sound of flame flickering in the whole passage.

He raised his chin up, taking a deep breath before running a hand through his face. Perhaps it was just the light but he looked tired and bothered. His usual tan was nowhere to be seen and there were no sparks in his emeralds anymore. My heart twisted at the sight, wanting to just bring him closer to me, do whatever I could to make things better.

His hand rested on my lower back as he closed his eyes, fingers tapping away at my shirt. "This is not why I came here," he stated softly, sadness visible in his voice though he let out a weak laugh. He whisked his head to the side, hair spilling across his forehead but his eyes were still closed. Even if they were opened, I felt like he wouldn't look at me.

I didn't want him to think I pitied him. I didn't want him to think I felt sorry for him and would treat him differently. I wanted him to know I was there for him just like he was there for me before – it went without asking. Even if I pushed him away, even if I called him names or locked myself away from the world, he always found a way to destroy the demons guarding my mind, no matter how much time it needed.

I pressed my lips against his cheek in a soft kiss, feeling my face heat up at the intimacy. We had experienced different types of intimacy with our bodies before but this was something new; it screamed a new emotion I never expressed before. And I was only starting to realize how he did a long time ago.

"Your brother arrived an hour ago." His tone was dry and weak, or rather it was empty. I couldn't feel the melody of his fingers on my back anymore; actually, his whole hand wasn't there anymore. This lack of affection made my heart sink but at least he didn't pull away from me. "You two are most probably going to meet tonight." But there was something more behind it, wasn't there?

I stared at his smooth face, feeling in the curves as I traced my finger across it. Leaning down, I pecked his eyelid, then the other one and then his forehead. That little shit inside me jumped around happily, full of excitement and hope he would smile finally. However, the gesture never came. Instead, when he opened his eyes, pain was visible in them. Like they were asking questions he would never voice; Why are you doing this to me? For me? Can't you see it already hurts a lot? But I'm scared, scared of letting you go.

Or maybe that's just what I wanted to see in them. Well, it didn't really matter. My thumb caressed his other cheek gently, Antonio leaning into my touch and closing his eyes once more, this time like he was going to sleep. I couldn't stand the face he made, thus my hands came around his neck and my own face was soon buried in the crook of his neck. I could feel him hesitate before wrapping his hands around my waist, but I was glad he did so at the end.

"Stay with me," he whispered like there was someone with us. "Stay with me for at least tonight because I don't think I'll be able to breathe without you."

Oh dear God, just how did I hurt from seeing him like that. Just how many things was I ready to do to make him feel better. Even if I had to move mountains or swim across the sea, I would. I fucking would but just for him, no-one else.

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