Capítulo 16 (dieciséis)

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A scream erupted, shaking the house like a lightning bolt, being just as powerful and hearable. It was late at night when everything was asleep, even the moon and stars weren't shining so bright as to not interrupt anyone's night rest. Only a silent breeze was playing with flowers outside but it didn't have in mind to awake anyone. And yet, the scream, the cry out for help was enough for everyone to be out of their beds, their minds on the edge already and ready to do anything their brain ordered them to do.

It was such a piercing sound it was to hurt one's hearing if they were too sensitive. Thank God, Antonio wasn't that type of a person, lucky him for that matter. However, his mind was thrown into flames of alarm as he jolted into a sitting position in his bed. Sweat broke out on his neck and face, heart beating fast and his muscles ready to kill anything near.

But there wasn't anything to kill, anything to slay and make it quiet. What was the scream about then? Was someone being killed? It couldn't have been a scream out of pleasure, he knew what that sounded like, knew it very well. He rushed in a gulp of air in the form of gasp; there was only one person thanks to whom he knew the sound of lust-filled yelp and the scream from just minutes ago mirrored the boy's voice perfectly. So perfectly, the Spaniard's blood now turned into ice and his mind stopped, clicked and rushed into action again.

He almost tripped when he ran out of his bed, putting on needed clothes and such before he could walk out from his room. He wasn't the first one to out and scared to the bone though. A maid he's never seen before, or maybe he did -- it was pitch dark on the hall -- bolted out from the Italian's room, eyes wide in fear. She leaped into the man's arms, out of breath and clearly panicking, as she tried to say something, anything, but her thoughts were going too damn fast for her to understand.

Antonio gave her a quick squeeze, reassuring the poor woman everything was fine and he was ready to take care of whatever or whoever was needed. "Hol mir eine Kerze!" He ordered in a soft but firm voice and even though the female was still sweating and her chest was moving rapidly, she nodded and rushed down the stairs to obey him.

Click thud and he was inside, door shut behind him to be sure no-one was to disturb him. Even in the darkness that hung upon the room, he was able to see, to feel the boy's pain. He was shaking so much, Antonio kneeled there, in front of his bed, not fucking knowing what to do for the first time in his life. He wanted to help the youngling, wanted to shoo the pain away but illness was nothing he could treat from outside; it was a battle only the boy could take part in.

He wondered what might've triggered such sound to escape him but the frown, the gritted teeth and the breathless pants were enough for him to understand Roma was being tortured by those demons again. Panic was starting to build up inside of him, his own wave of trembling darting through his system. He was so scared and yet so desperate of helping the child in front of him, he reached out. The bed under him dipped and the blanket fell a bit as he pulled the teenager's body against his.

His clothes were soaked through with sweat and not only his head but also his whole body was aflame. His teeth were screeching against each other and it seemed the boy was feeling great coldness. But that was a common state of a fever, even Antonio knew that, remembered that from his childhood days. He, however, didn't know how to act and thus, he only held the fragile body, supporting him in such way at least.

"Is that all you can do? Scream?" Red eyes glowed and the whiteness was nowhere to be found again. Here it was again; the Wolf. The boy and he stood across each other, looking and looking, staring motionlessly. It was like he wasn't even breathing, that boy of an Italian.

Antonio was gone, liquid gold no longer flowing through his veins as he sat there, in the air. His breath hitched and somewhat, he lost his voice. Or maybe there wasn't anything for him to say; maybe the beast was right. Once again. It has been always right, why was he so stubborn and didn't listen to it? It's always said just how useless, stupid and weak he was and it was right.

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