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Who would have thought I'd be so joyous to have my feet buried in warm sand, watching as the small drops of yellow spilled across my tanned limbs? The yellowish colour turning brown when sea water swallowed it, reaching my toes and tickling them with cold fingers.

I took a deep breath. A smile spread across my face. I felt like running across the Spanish beach, laughing and enjoying my life like this.

I'm here, I'm here, I'm here.

I kept on repeating in my head, adding more and more happiness every time I let the thought swim by in my mind.

I love the sea. I love the view. The wind. The charming colour and the creatures that lived in its depths. The way it was strange and dangerous, but brough comfort to my heart every time I laid my eyes upon the surface. I couldn't get enough of the salty water, no matter how life-threating it would get or how mysterious it would appear.

There were little to no stones scattered across the beach. The sand underneath me was like silk, embracing me in warmth and home-like feeling. I turned around on my heels, feeling the way a small hole was created under each of them, the way it gently scratched at my skin.

White birds flew around me, letting out screeches but somehow, it was comfortable to listen to them. However, even those were only cries in the back of my mind; the only sound I heard properly was the sound of waves crashing into each other. The soft voice they had as they sang. I could remember the way they gasped when a ship parted them into two. Or the way they screamed and yelled at a stormy night.

Sea blue was beautiful. It felt so gentle and reassuring. Just like the eyes of a lover.

"We're here." A wide smile took over my face. Although the colour of the sea was mesmerizing, it was nothing compared to Roma's eyes.

I took a few steps towards him, letting my feet be swallowed by the soft touch of sand. Another thing I loved was the sunlight; the way it lit everything up. The way it darted its way through grey clouds to give everyone hope. But mainly the way Romano's eyes turned into pools of honey when sun beat against them, melting all coldness away and letting me see his real emotions and motives.

I gave my lover a smile before turning my head slightly towards the horizon again. Having him by my side with no-one else around to enjoy this moment, was something so small and yet so magnificent, it was noted in my memory for ever.

"We are truly here, aren't we?" I said almost breathlessly. The young man beside me hummed in response, and continued to watch the beauty of this world with me. My fingers dared to touch his only to get grabbed right away into a soft lock of hands. The heart inside me jumped but slowly began to melt at all the happiness and beauty I was experiencing.

Turning my head away, I gazed at the small hill above us. Our horses were moving around, no saddles or anything else that could hold them down in sight. Only two animals enjoying their feast on rich-green grass. Wind played with their tails. It was like looking at a painting.

"How far away is it?" The Italian asked, voice more tender than ever before. "Just half a day from here." He hummed once more. The fabric of my shirt folded as he rested his head against my arm, still holding onto my hand, and suddenly, in the depths of the sea, in the rays of sunshine and everything around me, I could see my future.

My future; something I always said would never come. Something I stopped to think about to a point I got scared whenever I actually did. My future; something I always thought I'd never receive or experience because my life would end sooner than expected. And yet, my future was right here, in front of me for the past two years. It was now resting against my upper limb. I cried into its embrace in a hidden passage.

Slave's Love (Pirate!Spamano)Where stories live. Discover now