Capítulo 20 (veinte)

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Elizabeta's PoV:

"Sweetheart, you need to wake up; you can't sleep all day." That being said, the Italian's back was still turned to me, a soft groan escaping the trembling body. "You need to eat and you need to drink; how do you expect to get better?" Was I being too harsh? Perhaps but did I honestly care? Not really.

Another groan could be heard but this time it was I who let it out into the darkness of a room. I blinked, eyes trying to get used to the black surroundings but failing. Goodness, to hell with what others say, I can't even see the bridge of my nose! With that, I leaned over the boy's body, grabbing the thick curtain and pushing it away, earning a painful hiss from underneath me. I only hummed at his pain, grabbing the iron window frame, sucking in some air as it was cold, but opening it nonetheless, fresh air filling the room.

My nostrils filled with the autumn scent, hands resting on top of my hips as my eyes trailed down, resting upon the big pile of covers. A final sigh left me, the fabric of my dress folding as I leaned down, ruffling the amber strings of hair peeking out. At last, one amber eye gazed into my green one, tiredness and sickness sparkling its way through it.

"The time...What is it?" The Italian's voice came out deep and raspy, definitely not the voice of a child. He erupted into a sharp coughing mess, burying himself deeper into the warm blankets, disappearing right in front of me.

I let out a long thinking sound, similar to a hum as I scanned my surroundings, realizing there was no clock to be found in this room. "Around noon, I think," I said at last, remembering the glimpse I took on the way up to Roma's small room. The said boy let out a deep sigh, throwing the blankets onto his lap as he sat up, a painful outburst painting his face. My insides clenched slightly, gentle fear creeping through my blood and into my whole body. The boy in front of me cursed in a murmur, grabbing and squeezing his breast as he took in deep breaths and after a while cleared his throat, eyes shifting back on me.

I poured some water into a nearby cup one of the maids left there, handing it to the boy and he gladly took it, swallowing it whole in two or three large gulps. He rushed air into his lungs in a rapid inhale, giving me the cup back and I set it on its place, adding at least a little life into the gloomy room. Silence took over then, amber orbs staring into the outside world. My own narrowed, scanning the young face.

His eyes seemed to have gotten darker, deeper and even sadder, if I may say. I clasped my hands firmly in front of me, fighting the urge of hugging the poor youngling, to scare away all of the bad emotions he's been attacked by. Honestly, just now, after so many days of knowing him, after so many days of taking care of him, I've finally realized the worry that took over Toni's face each time he came to check up on him. How his beautiful emerald eyes lost their spark, as if reality hit him just then, when he laid his eyes on the Italian boy. How his shoulders stiffened, like he was holding back from doing something.

The Spaniard understood Romano better than I nor anyone else but no matter how distant we still were, the boy's face and eyes showed so much even a blind person would notice. It was the air around him that changed once he looked out, fantasy running off somewhere into the woods, far away from all his worries and the harsh, dark reality. I could clearly see the longing he didn't even try to hide. The desire of achieving something.

And I sighed, regretting my Spanish friend wasn't here at the moment to take his underling's mind off those bad thoughts.

"What are you thinking about, Roma, dear?" Softness and care coated my voice into a sweet, quite tune, filling the room gently. The boy's shoulders sulked slightly but that was the only movement he made, the only thing he did to let me know he was still there. He was still so pale it scared me and his quietness joining, my heart started to beat rapidly, worrying so so much. Was it natural to worry this much about someone whom I didn't even know properly? Or was it because I didn't want to see him in pain again?

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