Capítulo 35 (treinta y cinco)

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I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes. In the musk around me, everything was different to what it was during the day. I could light up a candle but wouldn't that be rude of me? I'd scare my friends away. They would disappear and I'd be left alone again, without anyone to talk to, without a soul to befriend of my plight.

I could almost feel the fingers brush against my cheek. I picked my gaze to look at the wall, a creature dressed in all black smiling back at me. Her blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight and her smile shone like stars up in the sky. She outstretched her hand once more, caressing my face gently. The soft look in her orbs put me to rest and I nuzzled into her palm. It was cold and hard but I pretended it was warm and soft to not make her angry again. Last time it happened..... I didn't even dare to think about that.

"Cosa c'è, mio caro?"

The voice was sweet and familiar, but why?

"Non riconosci tua madre?" The figure laughed softly, although it sounded somehow strange to me. I looked at her, tilting my head to the other side as her hand had fallen down into her lap. Something inside me clicked; of course! How could I be so stupid?

I rushed to hug her, burying my face into her chest. Her heartbeat echoed in my ears, my own heart fluttering to be with her again. My mother ruffled the back of my head, giggling gently. "Mio bambino, sei così sciocco a volte; per non ricordare tua madre," the pats on my head slowed down and instead started to increase in power. Soon enough, her fingers were gripping my hair, pulling it and yanking it off of my head.

I screamed in pain, hands twisting the fabric of her dress. She was like a furious animal, ripping its pray apart without a second thought. Loud sobs escaped me, tears rolling down my cheeks while my voice faded. I tried to rush air into my body but there were the hands of my mother, squeezing my throat.

"Figlio ingrate!" She screeched at me but I couldn't hear properly anymore. I tried to get her hands off of my throat but failed miserably. Instead, I began to beg and apologize, gasps filling the room right afterwards. "Mamma, mamma! Fermata! Mamma...!"

The grip on my throat loosened, hands locking behind my back. Once again, I found myself in the embrace of my mother. I shook, my soul shook; everything inside and outside of me was shaking. I rushed air into my lungs in large gulps while my mother drew circles onto the small of my back.

She rocked me back and forth until I've calmed down completely, and then pulled away, plating a kiss on my forehead. The blue-eyed woman gave me the sweetest glance I've ever seen, her eyes sparkling like ocean in summer when sun hit its surface.

"Mio bambino, mi dispiace," she said, caressing my head gently. She rubbed the soft skin under my eye, brushing away the last traces of my tears. "Sai che la mamma ti ama. Lei ottiene paramente sconvolta quando non la ricordi dopo tutto lei ha fatto per te."

I nodded at that; yes, she did get very sad and very angry with me. She did that very often. But she wasn't always like this. I remember her being the sweetest person ever, no matter what kind of a mistake I've done. When I came home dirty from playing around in the mud, she wouldn't scream and beat me like my father did. She'd always hide me behind her skirt, away from my father's anger while she stood before him, guarding me like a knight, receiving blows from her opponent like one.

My father would always disappear afterwards without saying where he's going or when he's going to come back. Then, my mother would drop to the floor, her face often bloody, and start to cry. I'd hug her and kiss her; she'd hug me back and say it's nothing, that she's alright and my papà didn't mean it like that. She'd always say men are like that; not good with their feelings and even though they beat their children and wives, they love them.

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