Capítulo 44 (cuarenta y cuatro)

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Thud thud thud

Loud footsteps sounded through the hall and floor, catching my attention right away but I only pushed it into the back of my mind, the paperwork in front of me far more important than some loud stomping. Whoever it was, the person's heels clicked against the marble floor, the rather annoying sound reaching my ears. Biting the soft flesh inside of my cheek, my brain tried its very best to focus on the task I assigned myself to but failed miserably for the sounds were coming closer with every second passing.

How could someone be so loud while walking? I thought as I huffed through my nose. God must've heard my complaining because the stomping stopped but not until the person making all of this unnecessary noise. Air rushed into my lungs as I inhaled deeply; all was quiet now and I could focus on my work again.

I began to read through the document, words of anger and hate filling the letter as the author wrote about his or her great anguish and wrath towards the Austrian government, stating that we could have helped them more during the War of the Holy League. I could only snicker at that; they had the opportunity to move to Hungary but it wasn't either my or anyone else's fault they hadn't had enough money to do so. We mainly invited the Austrian-loyal people to come with us, thus them not being able to come to the Hapsburg monarchy territory was their own fault.

I lit up a matchstick, wood getting black in seconds. I held up the brownish piece of paper above the raging flame, a loud sigh escaping it as it was soon swallowed by blaze. My gaze followed red and yellow, letters turning into nothing but grey dust on my desk, the bittersweet aroma of something burnt filling my nostrils. I was so lost in my own land that I only realized it was time to let go of the paper when flame licked my fingers, a quiet and pain-filled hiss escaping my lips.

An irritated sound left me as I shook my hand a little to take some of the momentary pain away. My hand carefully swept the dust into a small ashtray which was honestly never really used unless I had the company of a gentleman who liked to smoke. After putting it away, I made sure to open the window to let the awful smell out of my workplace for it often caused me great headaches. I sighed deeply when I sat down, my hand reaching for another document – hoping it wasn't another angry letter – when it stopped midway, two knocks catching my attention instead. A great exhale dropped from me – I wasn't in the mood to talk to someone, even if it was just a servant coming by to ask if I needed something.

Some days of mine were like this; I couldn't bring myself to utter a single word and whenever someone tried to strike a conversation with me, I bitterly shut them up which sometimes caused irritation or even sadness in the other party. On days like these, all I desired to do was to transform into something different – a cat, for example – so everyone could leave me alone.

I wasn't great at talking anyway, so why speak with me?

Regardless of the situation, I allowed the person to come in, surprise taking over me when I saw Feliciano and to my even bigger surprise, he was rather angry. Truth be told, I have never seen him angry – only frustrated or irritated but that was it. Now, however, I could almost see smoke rolling out from him in rage as he darted towards my desk. His orbs flashed with something dangerous but I quickly threw my scared self away, my cold side taking over.

He didn't sit despite me telling him to – first time gently and the second time in an order. Therefore, I leaned into my seat, crossing my fingers when I placed my hands down on the now empty table.

Before I could even open my mouth to ask basically anything, he blurted out an angry sounding question as to why is he being sent back to school? Silence hugged us for a heartbeat, two, before I sighed while leaning forward, looking up at him. "Weil der Oberpriester verlangt, dass du wieder daran teilnehmen," I explained, with undertone dominance.

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