Capítulo 4 (cuatro)

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Antonio's PoV:

Five days flew by quicker than I thought and in the morning of the very sixth day, from the window of my cabin, I saw Javier galloping towards the beach, not only him but also the horses exhausted. I went out onto the sun-drowned beach and helped him with horses, allowing him to catch his breath at last.

"La próxima vez, haces esto por tu cuenta, joven," he managed to let out in-between breathless pants, a small hint of annoyence filling the words. "Lo siento, anciano," was the bitter answer from me and I could feel his death stare on my back. I huffed out a laugh and gave him a bratty grin after finishing what I was doing.

However, arrogant, ridiculous atmosphere was soon broken as I let my shoulders sink and worry for my friend took over my mind. "Realmente ahora, ve a descansar," I said in a soothing voice and he seemed to be relieved by this command; "Con alegría, mocoso." Of course, his cockiness would never leave him and that was okay; I'd miss it if it disappeared.

Once I lost him from my sight, I retired to my very own place, flopping onto the uncomfortable chair. Just then I let some old papers fall onto the table, alongside with an old, hemp bag full of money. A small sigh left me as I stared at the work in front of me, realizing I haven't had thought of another two men who would accompany us to Austria.

Sometime later, I heard quiet creak coming from the door and light footsteps clicking against the floor. "Heard Javier's back," the Italian said as he himself found a chair and sat upon it. I didn't look up from the papers of a horse trading company and only reached for a piece of another paper, scribbling some numbers on its smooth surface. I pushed the bag towards me, opening it and practically smelling the bitter-sweet scent of money. "Appears to be so."

Ever since the accident, we've been giving each other cold shoulders, hardly ever speaking, so it surprised me a bit he dared to come here, the two of us being alone. "Also heard he went to see your lady-friend," he said with the finest hint of annoyance in his voice. I let out a short, sarcastic laugh, "Jealous?" A scoff filled my ears, his arms crossing his chest and chin rising up when my eyes flicked towards him, "You wish." Then, the stillness of silence took over the room.

Counting the money like this was easier anyway, so I didn't complain to his silent treatment. Until the Italian, of course, broke it. "What's she like?" Perhaps, if I wasn't in the middle of something more important, I'd give him a proper description, "What does it bother you?" I let out the slightly arrogant question, never leaving the gold in front of me. "Just asking if she's a good piece," he explained after a rather pregnant pause.

My eyes shot up at the rather disrespectful tone of his and narrowed into a sharp, scolding-like glare, "It's nothing for you to worry about; you're still too young," I tried to keep my voice steady and not offended at all on the account of a certain lady but he only seemed to get regaled even more. "Says someone who fucked the younger me a year ago."

This point-out got all of my hair standing up in a dangerous way, a growl darting up my throat as the money were left forgotten atop of many samples of paper. I could tell he knew about this sudden change of atmosphere but kept pushing all of my buttons; "What? Did I say something that might be true for once?" His eyes glowed with unbelievable amount of overconfidence and I had to hold back another deadly glare, deciding to avoid his at last.

"Or perhaps," he began and took a daring breath, "you're ashamed of it, mamón." And that was the last drop I could take; "Where the fuck did you learn that word?!" I hissed at him and only more amusement crossed his face. "Don't tell me it's not true, Antonio," he laughed out in the most presumptuous way I ever heard.

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