Capítulo 3 (tres)

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Javier's PoV:

A sigh left my lips, feet beating against the soft, muddy material underneath me. Nervousness rose in me not only because I was in an unknown area, in Spain nonetheless, but the fight Toni and Romano shared in the evening would be heard even by a deaf person. A bitter thought flashed through my mind but I quickly waved it off before it could grow to me. We had enough problems as it was and throwing into the pile even more and for such stupid reason would only worsen the situation.

Plus, the worst problem appeared to be the tension in the crew; it was bad, more than that and I've already heard some of them talking about betraying Antonio. Now that he himself made the air even heavier didn't help at all. But seriously, why would he just drink out of blue? At times like these, he still reminded me of how childish he could get. Even though he knew just the right people.

I came upon a small village as the young captain promised I would and after less than half an hour found an oddly, fancy-looking house compared to others on the furthest edge of this quiet community. As three of my knuckles touched the well-polished wood, the softest of knocks echoed through the air.

As I stood there, waiting, I recalled Antonio's words of reassurance as he set me off here, to his so-called friend. He said I might remember him from when we were younger but even after uncovering me his name, spots in my head that should've been memories of the person were blank. So, I was more than taken aback when the door opened, leaving me to face a tall, blond man.

With all honesty, I wasn't sure how to feel; to be scared from his appearance or from his behaviour. Later on, I learned it all linked together into the man with spiky hair and a blue-white scarf wrapped around his neck no matter the weather. "¿Qué deseas?" the question filled my ears, a heavy Dutch accent soaking into words. Yet, another shock for me that day.

Still, I drowned my fingers into my pockets, reaching for a letter-shaped piece of paper and let his eyes hover over it. "Para una dama en Barcelona. Eres un contacto que me dijeron usar," I said simple and snatched my hand away when he reached for the paper. "Sólo un contacto. No lo olvides."

His sharp eyes, a mix of green, amber and blue, burned a hole into my head as he stared at me with what seemed to be a look I should've obeyed, yet I only gave him a cocked eyebrow and hid the letter again. "¿Quien te envio?" A small smirk of victory played across my lips at the well-hidden yet still well-visible spark of defeat. However, the question was also perfectly thought out and after thinking for a second, I mentally shook my shoulders; 'His own words said it's his friend, his own problem to solve.' "Capitán Antonio de Rosa sangrienta."

His face was overtaken by shock for just a second as it turned into pure cockiness, his eyes sparkling at the name. I could even hear a soft scoff escape his lips as he mentioned for me to follow him in, anyway. No idea what has just happened but I didn't care; as long as he kept his mouth shut and caused no troubles.

"No la desgastes; ella es la mejor que tengo," his heavily accented statement brought me back to reality, noticing a well-built horse standing proudly in front of me. "Por supuesto,"  I said matter-of-fact and hopped onto the strong animal after helping myself with the riding equipment. I squeezed her sides and she walked forward, I guiding her to a back gateway.

But before setting off to north, I gave the Dutch man a firm glance, "Bien podría mantener esto en secreto, señor...." "Diederik." 'A special name for a special person' thought I as I flashed him a daring smirk, "Señor Diederik, eso es."


I couldn't gainsay the strange man; this horse had a better stamina than I ever did in my life. Her legs worked non-stop for the past three days with no rest at all, a stop to fill her stomach now and then but never a real rest. However, it was no time for me to think of the breathing animal underneath me as the stony walls of a certain metrópoli neared. What seemed to be tons of people huddled in front of the main entrance, animals and carriages accompanying them.

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