Capítulo 48 (cuarenta y ocho)

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"I cannot believe you're leaving today."

Toni looked at me across the room, sitting comfortably on a wooden chair with his legs crossed, a quill in his hand. He was dressed far too simply for a guest of this house – only the most needed parts of clothing and a gown draped over him. His gaze shifted slightly, letting me know there was something bad about what I've just said.

"Err, tonight," I quickly corrected myself and received a small smile before he paid his full attention on the piece of paper that rested before him again. A small cup stood before him, the liquid inside going cold a long time ago. Many times, did I remind him of its existence, but my friend only hummed in response, never making a move towards it.

With a heavy sigh, I stood up from my cushioned chair, elegantly moved across the small space in the room and took the cup away from him without any acknowledgment from his side. The herbal tea inside tasted bitter when cold, making me grimace at the disgusting taste.

Still holding the small object in hand, my eyes darted towards the yellowish sheet. Black letters formed words gracefully in a foreign language I could not understand and speak. However, I did notice – and understand – the female name on the very top.

"A friend?" I motioned towards it as soon as his eyes laid upon me. The Spaniard chuckled, nodding and revealing everything I needed to know. "I'm still surprised she actually helped us; it was far too dangerous and Lord knows what has happened to her ever since," the man said, tapping at a certain place with the tip of his quill gently. "Hopefully nothing bad," I finished for him, and he nodded. His eyes grew softer as he stared at the name, the smallest hints of sadness – and perhaps even regret – taking over his facial expression.

He flinched slightly when I rested my palm on his shoulder, but I only rewarded him with a smile. "If she's gone through all of that, it means she cares for you. She must be a great friend." Once again, Antonio only answered with a movement of his head, before he signed the letter and put it aside to let the writing ink dry.

To my surprise, there was another piece of paper underneath it. A silly name, Diederik, appeared on top and I couldn't help the tiny laugh that escaped my throat. I pointed it out, getting to know yet another friend of Toni's.

"There are many people who love you in this world, huh?" The Spaniard smiled and were his eyes truly filled with tears? Or was it just the dim light making them seem like that? Before I could decide what was right, and what was wrong, he blinked and everything was gone, except the look of absolute love and fondness.

"I'll write one to you and Roderich, too. One letter for each of you, then one letter for both of you. You can only open the second one at your wedding, though!" We both laughed at that but grew slightly sad at the mention of my wedding. "It's really heart-breaking to me that you won't be there. I...really hoped that you would." My voice came out as weak, and with the silence I was met, I could tell Toni thought the same as I did. "Don't worry; I'll leave you a gift to remind you I'm there. When is it again?"

"In May."

"The month of love, right? We've stayed here for so long; May's not that far away from today."

"You've stayed for so long and yet, even that's not enough. It felt like forever before but now, it feels like the time flew by far too quickly."

A wide grin appeared on my friend's face, a light blush decorating his cheeks and the tips of his ears as his hand came to rest under his chin. "I'm glad we stayed here for so long, though. It gave me – and Roma as well – some time to think. And in my personal opinion, our stay also encouraged Roderich to reflect on his own thoughts."

I let out a laugh, patting his shoulder before I returned back to my seat. "Many things have happened since you arrived; both bad and good. In our own worlds, and the outside world as well." He only let out a soft "agreed", grinning nonetheless and I began to grin, too.

The sound of words being scribbled on paper filled the room. Regardless of his high speed, Toni's handwriting was neat and organized. One would think a woman has written all those letters. I asked him if he wanted me to bring him a seal, but he quickly denied, stating it would be way too formal and uptight for a letter addressed to a friend. "A few strings would be nice, though. To keep the letters together."

Fetching those strings – which turned out to be wine red – took longer than I expected. I had to ask other maid to help me look for them, having to go to multiple rooms to finally obtain them.

However, when I came back, I couldn't help but notice the never-leaving grin on the Spaniard's face. It was still there, even when I left and from what I guessed; it was there the whole time I was absent. He thanked me briefly for the favour after I gave him the small ball of strings and a small set of greyish scissors.

"What are you so happy about?" A tanned hand waved in the air, one of the fingers scratching the tip of his nose seconds later. "It's... nothing really." A giggle could be heard somewhere far in the back of his voice, and I could see him bite his lower lip, restricting him from smiling more. "It's not really 'nothing', though, is it? What makes my friend so happy he cannot help but smile so much? Something he has to hide under an attempt of not grinning more than now."

His frame shook as he laughed whole-heartedly, shaking his head at the choice of my words. He tapped an uneven rhythm with his leg, playing with one edge of the paper resting before him the whole time. "A love confession, that's what happened," he stated suddenly. He was looking down all the time but his eyes sparkled brightly, something that could be seen only if the owner was truly happy.

I clasped my hands together, the widest of smiles turning my lips up. I got up and ran towards him, throwing my hands round his neck and hugging him tightly. "I'm so happy for you, my dear. It must have been a wonderful feeling to finally let it out after so long." Hair tickled me when he nodded his head eagerly against my neck. "It was such a great feeling, Lizzy. I-I cannot even describe it. It felt as if my heart was going to explode. I was up in the clouds and then back on the ground in matters of second." I patted his head gently, his happiness filling me and making me extremely joyous as well.

"Then and even now I feel like crying. It's just so overwhelming, but in the best way possible. An unhuman amount of happiness and all good blended together."

"Then cry and smile, Toni. There's nothing better than letting out happy tears." The second I finished my sentence, wetness soaked into the tiny bit of my neck that was visible.

"I'm so glad it took so long, though. I made sure it was real love, not just a moment thing. A bliss of desire. And on top of all, it was the same on Roma's side, too. It was so hard to put it into words; there isn't enough words to describe love. It's so hard and frustrating and yet, on the other hand, it was like a sign that I'm truly in love. And he's, too!"

I giggled at Antonio's almost child-like euphoria. But I understood every single thing he said. "There's no better feeling than knowing someone whom you love, loves you back and being sure about it, is there?" 


Have a good Friday with a wholesome chapter like this <3 Please vote and comment, it makes me very happy. Hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading! It was different from the others, way more optimistic but I'm very joyous about it. Love you all <3 

- Boora-kun

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