Capítulo 27 (veintisiete)

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Choosing the dress was the hardest part of all. It was even harder than pretending to be still slightly upset with Roderich despite being excited for the event.

I would be lying if I say I didn't feel a spark of victory when the Austrian begged me for forgiveness. Mainly when I was the first and only one to receive such treatment from the man.

Now, the preparations for our attendance were in full swing, making everything in the mansion go faster. The servants were restless, always at work but this time, even more work was thrown upon them; not only to take care of the building, everything that was to be done like every day but also help Roderich and I get ready. It was the first time for all of us and it was a great way of teaching the other monarchs some lessons.

The Austrian was still anxious about it; he didn't build his reputation overnight and being seen with a maid would slowly tear it apart but I soothed him nonetheless, saying it wouldn't really matter anyway at the end. At the end, we will all go home, talk about the evening, tell our families and friends and go to sleep, work awaiting us on the very next day. So what others would talk? People always talk, it's in the nature of humans to talk bad things about those whom they envy. But envy is the greatest poison of all and it will slowly swallow them.

I snapped from my thoughts after hearing a few gentle knocks on the door of my room. I called out to let them in, the door opening to reveal my young friend Jana, her blond locks up in a tight bun covered with a piece of cloth. Her brownish orbs sparkled at me, a hint of something dancing about them; that kind of something only women were able to master and only women were able to understand.

"Ich habe dir das Korsett mitgebracht," she said, holding the said object in her hands as she walked in, shutting the door behind her with a quick but firm motion of her foot. I hummed in response, giving her a soft smile before going to the wooden folding screen, beautiful ornaments joined with flowers across it. The sixteen year old came after me, ready to help but I only shooed her away as I helped myself out of the dress.

Hanging it over the edge, my eyes noticed all the dirt on the edges. Slight disgust filled me and I made a mental note to wash it before going to the ball. A shiver ran down my spine, cold creeping into every inch of my body as I stood in the room only in my underclothes, the cloth so thin and soft, one didn't feel it at all.

After sighing a little, I let my Polish friend join me behind the wooden divider. I could feel her eyes touching every inch of my body before scoffing through her nose lightly; "Du brauchts nicht den Korsett; du bist so dünn!" Her voice was light and playful, so I barked out a laugh as she put the devilish thing around my torso. Once around my back, I held it closed for her to tie it up. The breath was knocked out for my lungs with each pull she made, pain coming right away and I had to tell her to stop for just one second before allowing her to continue.

Despite it being tight round my body, not really letting me breathe freely and making it hard to move, it was an unsaid necessary for me to wear as to look more attractive. I giggled lowly under my breath; it would be so lovely to make other ladies jealous of a "mere servant" like me. Beauty was the only way to win over them and I was ought to do just that! For Roderich and myself, too.

Fake hips came afterwards, an even weirder feeling to experience for sure. Maybe, just maybe, this was the first and last time I'd go to a ball; wearing all of this plus two or three underskirts and a dress was madness! Not to mention it was winter and I was expected to dance in this. I was slowly starting to regret my desire of going but be it; I could embrace it just this one time.

Pain came in small outbursts for me after Jana helped me get into the green dress I've received as a birthday gift from a certain Austrian few years ago. At last, shoes were worn and the last thing to do was my hair and maybe add a necklace, for having such wide décolletage was unnatural for me.

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