Capítulo 11 (once)

194 11 6

Romano's PoV:

"Can you tell?" He whispered before our lips sealed again. "Can you taste all of the reasons I should be sorry about? My lust? Can you feel my sin?" The questions dropped out from his lips before they were shushed by mine. "Tell me; can you?" Antonio asked, demanding and panting. My amber eyes stared into his, lips parted and swollen. My frame was shaking under his hands but still, my hand confidently warmed up his cheek. "Yes; I can."

I eased for another kiss. My shoulders were tightly pressed against my body, head cocking for a better angle as we both drowned into the bottomless sea of love. And there it was again; rain. The water drops were now inside of the building, but for once, on my outside, coming down in tears.

Tears which hid monsters, those deadly creatures who took over my mind.

I could feel red dusting my cheeks at the memory. Events of previous night were filling my head and provoking my heart to take over. Yet, I knew damn well there wasn't time and place to do so; we were galloping through the endless forest after a good night's sleep. The horses were well-rested and were able to bear twice the distance they already had up their legs.

At least, Sun popped out of its hideous and walked us into a new day hand-in-hand with stainless sky. The grass and ground was still wet but the fresh scent of flowers carried itself with air and loaded my lungs with a brand-new feeling.

However, with every breath I took, the before-said organs ached and with every move I made, muscles tensed and screamed for relief. So much for being sick. A cough broke out from my throat, tears rushing into my eyes. Then a bit of sniffling and my routine was over. It was alright as I was already used to it by now; I couldn't care less about the pain I was enduring but still, it wasn't like I was to die because of it.

Actually, it wasn't this what made me not be at ease; it was Antonio's worried look every time my sickness spoke out. Yeah, I understood it would have had only gotten in the way if it got worse and, yes, we lived in uncertain times when any kind of illness, be it a silly cold could kill an adult person.

'It's fine, thought. Just because it isn't getting better doesn't mean it has to get worse,' thought I to myself, my tone a little bit too light than I meant it to be. 'Well, well; aren't you positive today?' teased a familiar silk voice. I groaned mentally at the beast's appearance but only threw a bitter comment right back at it.

'I just came to remind you that everything good disappears way quicker than the bad,' the wolf growled out and I couldn't help the snicker which escaped my lips. 'Yeah, and you should shut up and leave me be.' White teeth glowed as an opposite to the darkness of a fur. 'If that's what you wish.'

I scoffed through my nose at my companion. Ground under us groaned, grass went flying into different directions but my body wasn't as happy about the strong sunlight as my mind. My curl bounced up and down, up and down as I was carried on my horse's back into late noon.

At some point, for no reason at all, my head snapped backwards and my eyes fixed on something on the endless sky. My body relaxed and my mind followed right after as the grip on reins loosened up.

Clouds slowly crawled around and shaped into exotic and definitely not normal things. One looked like a sheep and another one like one of those weird animals others called "delfín". I was met with a thought of a rather childish origin; how did they taste like?

I straightened up and shook my head a bit, the grip going from zero to hundred in less than a second. 'Just how childish can I get?' This time, the beast didn't answer, didn't even appear and, once again, my orbs were met with blue and white atop of me.

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