My final question

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A/N Hey people. This is of course the start of the second book. If you haven't read the first one please go do that now otherwise this will make basically no sense. Hope you enjoy this!!

Joe's POV:

Kneeling down in the rain, I could feel the cold water seeping through my jeans and my shirt. It was freezing cold out here but I couldn't give a shit about that right now.

"Dianne please. If you love me then I'm right here. I want to be with you forever. I want to grow old with you in my arms. You're the first person I want to see tomorrow morning, and the last person I want to see when I die. If you want that too then come back to me."

"Joe I can't do that to you." Dianne cried pleadingly. She wasn't looking at me anymore. Her tearful eyes were back on the busy road 12 floors below her cold feet.

"Yes you can Di. Do you know why you can do that?" I paused and wiped the rain away from my eyes. "Because I want you too. I need you too. I don't care if you think that you're hurting me. Because I would go through all the pain in the world if it meant that I could be with you. Dianne I love you. You would never be the reason that I get hurt, because everyday that I'm with you my life just gets better and better. So please."

I gulped as the tears began to flow down my cheeks. Mixing with the heavy rain that fell onto my cold and pale skin.

"Please Dianne. Come back over that ledge and come back to me."

Narrator's POV:

Dianne's mind was a flurry of questions without answers. Her brain felt like a maze with no exit. She loved Joe more than anything on the planet. But that was her issue.

Joe wasn't like any of Dianne's other boyfriends. He was different. He was special. Dianne was the only person in the entire world that really knew the struggles Joe had gone through before they met. He was ill. He was heartbroken. He was lost.

As Dianne stood there contemplating her life, and her next moves she thought about what Joe would do if she jumped. She was almost certain that she knew the answer.Joe knew what he was going to do as well. He'd been playing out every situation possible in his head whilst he waited for Dianne's answer. The only thought he had in his fragile head was that a life without the woman he loved next to him, was no life at all. If she jumped, he would jump too.

Dianne's POV:

I took in a final deep breath and looked back to that quiet boy in the rain.

"Joe. Help me." I said. I'd suddenly realised what I was thinking about giving up. Thinking about who I was letting down. I couldn't do that to Joe or to my family.

"I'm here." Joe said confidently. His voice was calm and quiet. It calmed me instantly. Joe was standing up now and was right next to the railing, my back was to him.

I began to slowly turn myself around to face him. The ledge I was balanced on was slick with rain and was only a centimetre or two wide. My hands were shaking in the cold and were violently trembling from my nerves.

I eventually spun myself round so that I was now facing Joe square on. His hand was out to grab mine but I didn't dare let go of the railing. It was getting more difficult to hold onto it as every pain staking second passed.

I looked into Joe's eyes to see him crying. His hair was completely soaked and had flattened on his forehead. I knew for a fact that I looked terrible right now but that wasn't on the top of my priority list right now. All I had to do was get back to Joe.

I raised my right leg to get it over the railing, and back to safety. Back to the one man I have ever truly loved.

As my right foot slowly raised I felt my balance go, my left leg began to shake.

My left foot slipped off of the ledge and I felt myself begin to fall...

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now