Bonus chapter - the wedding (pt 1)

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A/N Hey people! So this is really random but I felt like revisiting this work and doing some bonus chapters like I said that I would ages ago - probably going to do like 3 or 4 parts. I hope you enjoy them x

Joe's POV:

"Where are they? Where are they? Where are they?" I was getting quite concerned as to why it was taking my family so long to get through the airport. I stood by the gate exit in Perth Airport with my beautiful fiance standing next to me.

"Joe I'm sure that they're going to be here in a moment don't worry okay." Dianne said to me reassuringly whilst holding my shaking hands. My palms were clammy and the stress of this moment could not be overstated. This would be the first time I have seen my family in around 4 months. I was yet to tell them that Dianne and I had bought a house out here. They didn't know that we were restarting our lives and they didn't know that I wasn't coming back to the UK. 

They knew that we were getting married, I mean that's why they were coming all the way over here - they definitely wouldn't be coming over just to see me that's for sure. Since all the shit with Anthony and the shit Dianne and I went through, my family had become my second priority. My first being Dianne and my new family out here in Oz.

It took at least 2 weeks to get Dianne's parents and brothers to be on board with the idea of us getting married, but after I proved myself to them and showed them first hand just how much I cared about Dianne, they soon changed their minds just as I knew that they would.

"Joe they're here!" Dianne squealed excitedly to me. I instinctively let go of her hand and ran over to Zoe.

"JOE!!" She screamed as I hugged her tightly. "I've missed you so much my little broseph - where's the future Mrs Sugg then?" Zoe spoke with an obvious tear in her eye as she pulled away from me. 

"I'm right here!" Di said cheerfully to Zoe - they embraced each other in a giggly and warm hug which melted my heart. I hugged everyone else who had taken their time to fly over for our wedding. My mum and dad, Caspar and Amber, Alfie and Byron. 6 people that I didn't realise just how much I had missed until I got to see them all. In this moment I knew that I had made the right choice by starting my life over, because it was in that time as I saw my family greet the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with, I forgot about what had led me here in the first place. With everyone here, this vast and hot country finally felt like home. 

We eventually got everyone in our car and started the 2 hour drive back down to Bunbury.

/time skip/

Dianne's POV:

I unlocked the front door of our new home and let everyone in, Joe coming in last and giving me a quick kiss before he shut the door behind him. Our new house was perfect - it cost shit loads but with a beach view and enough rooms to cater for both of our entire families, Joe and I were well on the way to rebuilding our lives after all that had happened. Everyone found their rooms and settled in.

I walked into the kitchen to see Joe standing perfectly still. His elbows locked, supporting him as his locked arms were pressed against the kitchen island. His shirt sleeves had ridden up and the scars on his forearms were visible. Especially the large one that Danny carved into Joe the day that he arrived in Australia. He was staring into space and his hands were shaking slightly. I walked up to him and pulled down his sleeves - taking him out of his trance.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and spoke gently to him - he still struggled with everything that had happened within the past 2 years, even though he never said anything to me about it, I could tell that it still kept him up at night. "Are you doing okay?" I questioned to my sweet boy who still hadn't moved a muscle. His body tense and statue like

"Yeah... I.... I'm just trying to find the right way to tell them." He paused and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Do you want me to do it?" I offered although I knew it had to come from him, I mean this was his family after all.

"No it should come from me." He paused and spun around in my arms, resting his hands on my waist. "Actually can you go up to bed at like 9 or something. I think it would help if you aren't there?" He was still the sweetest boy in the planet, he cared not only about me, but about his friends and family too - I just wished he cared about himself more.

Narrator's POV:

As the evening moved on everyone laughed and chatted as if nothing had ever happened. Of course a lot of what happened to Joe and Dianne had never been told but they still knew that this was better than before.

"Right I'm going up, I'll see you in the morning guys." Dianne said before she left the living room giving Joe a wink in order to remind him to talk to his loved ones. He nodded gently back in understanding and waited 3 or 4 minutes before he got up and spoke.

"So listen everyone, I know that we told you that this is Dianne's parents place, and that they were just spending the evening with their gran-kids, but that isn't true."

"What do you mean?" Caspar asked feeling confused.

"This is mine and Dianne's house - we bought it about a month ago and we've officially moved in" Joe said triumphantly. The room was silent but everyone's face softened as Alfie asked Joe the next question.

"So is this like a place to stay for half of the year and then back to your apartment for the other half?"

"No I mean that this is my home now. I sold the flat in London and Di and I aren't going back to the UK any time soon, If ever." Joe managed to gt his words out but was not prepared for the back lash he was going to get.

"WHAT!!!!" Alfie, Zoe, Caspar and Tracey screamed at Joe. He was bombarded with what seemed like thousands of questions. He tried to answer them all but was beginning to get panicked. He didn't want to tell them about what had happened to him and Di - it had been to long to let go of the secret that was still eating him up inside. Eventually however, all 6 angry people decided to call it a night. All furious at the fact that Joe was abandoning the people that loved him.

"You know what Joe when Di realises just how selfish you truly are, don't bother coming to your family - you just aren't worth our care anymore." Zoe said harshly before heading up the stairs with Alfie. And just like that the joy and happiness that Joe had once craved within this home was now dissipated into nothing but anger and regret.

All alone once again, Joe started to break down. Tears rushing down his face as he climbed the stairs into his bedroom. Dianne was fast asleep in bed so as quietly as he could, Joe went into their bathroom and began to dismantle his razor.

Old habits quickly became Joe's thought process. He knew he shouldn't have said anything, but with his wedding day tomorrow and 15 million things going through his head he had to get rid of at least a little bit of the tension.

He rolled up his sleeve and looked at the large scar on his right for arm - the one that Danny had left.

He used a blade and slit open the scar causing half of it to bleed once again.

As he continued to cry Joe lent back onto the cold tiled wall of his bathroom. He stared at the small trickle of blood that ran down his pale skin until he felt a warm body push up against him. Interlocking her hands with his, Dianne looked up to Joe and wiped away the tears that were culminating down his cheeks.

"Joe?" Dianne questioned.

"Yeah?" Joe said staring into space once again

"You don't need them - as of tomorrow we will be our own family."

"I know - I just.... Just wanted to go back to what I know." He paused, waiting for Dianne to interject. But she didn't.

"I just wanted to go back home."

A/N Hey people! So I hope that you enjoyed this little throw back. I always loved writing this fanfic and I really hope that you're as excited as I am to see what happens in the next few bonus parts. Will they see an old friend at their wedding? WHO KNOWS......

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now