The stairs - pt 2

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Narrator's POV:

As Dianne saw what Joe had become, her heart seemed unreachable. She was more than just upset, after all that had happened within the last 48 hours, and now seeing Joe like this, she couldn't take it.

She let tears fall from her eyes, flooding her face as she went back up to Joe. She knelt down next to him and softly put her hand onto his cold cheek. His skin seemed pale, and the bags under his eyes only proved to Dianne that Joe had much less sleep than she did. Her thumb touched the bruise around Joe's eye causing him to flinch, and pull his head backwards, away from Dianne.

"What happened to you Joe?" Dianne asked in a whispered voice. Her tears only falling more.

Joe shook his head, his gaze darting towards his stretched out legs, before slowly making it's way back up Dianne's body and onto her tearful face, and into her dark hazel eyes. He hadn't seem them in about 24 hours, and that was far to long for Joe's liking.

"I should be asking you that Di. Are you okay?" Joe said in a breathless and caring tone of voice.

"I don't know any more Joe. So much has happened within the past 48 hours, I can't tell my left foot from my right, let alone sort out what's going up in here" Dianne said as she tapped two of her fingers onto her temple. "Anyway please tell me what happened to you Joe."

Joe sighed again, and then shuffled himself up a bit. His body screaming in agony, with every move he made, no matter how small it was. He pushed himself up so that his back was straight against the railing. He looked into Dianne's eyes and said one word.


"What?" Dianne said, questioning Anthony's relevance in this story.

"He was the one to attack you Di. I came back to the apartment after I spoke to Caspar. I wanted to come back and sort things out with you, because even though you don't feel that way about me anymore, I still love you. But when I got to the apartment, you were completely unconscious. Anthony was 'there' so I tackled him off of you. He punched me. Hence this." Joe said pointing to his eye, and his lip. "I punched him back. Hence this." He said whilst lifting up the hand that was in the splint. "I managed to call the police and the paramedics for you, but then he knocked me out. Next thing I know I wake up in an ambulance myself. You no where near me and my life falling apart."

Joe said this with such a broken expression on his face, he was trying his very best to hold back his tears. Dianne however was practically balling her eyes out. Her hand never left Joe's face, her other hand found his left hand that was placed on his lap. She gripped onto it tightly whilst Joe spoke.

"Joe... I- I can't believe... You did that all for me?" Dianne said whilst she tried to get breath into her lungs.

"Di what are you on about?"

"Joe, I told you to kill yourself. I left you and yet you still came back and saved me. Saved my life for all I know." Dianne's mouth was opened slightly. She couldn't get over what Joe had put himself through just for her well being. "Joe, Anthony's a big guy. He could have killed you."

Joe slowly took his hand out of Dianne's and rested it on her cheeks. They were cold to the touch, despite the suns warm glow resting on her skin - illuminating her beauty. Joe couldn't hold back his tears. He allowed a single tear drop to fall down his cheek and onto Dianne's resting hand.

"I would of done it a million times over if it meant keeping you safe."

Dianne's heart was all a flutter. She honestly couldn't believe how Joe was acting. He may look broken, but Dianne knew that on the inside, Joe was strong. He was brave. But equally he was sweet. Sensitive. Perfect. He was everything Dianne had ever wanted in anyone. The perfect combination of strong and sensitive. That niggling voice in the back of her head was now nowhere to be seen. All that she could see was the perfect man in front of her who had risked his life for her.

Joe was never the reason that Dianne was broken. If anything, he was the reason she was slowly being fixed.

She had to say something, but before she could Joe looked deeply into her eyes and began to speak himself.

"Dianne, listen. I'm so so so sorry for everything that I've done to you. Everything that I've put you through. Everything that I have ruined in your life. I cannot express how sorry I am for all of that. But I want to change. I will change every bit about me that you don't like, if it means that I can stay with you. I know that sounds really needy and desperate but if that's what you wan't then I will do it all for you.

You're honestly so beautiful. So sweet. So funny. You have the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met and you are quite frankly the only reason that I get up in the morning. So please give me a second chance to change for you. If that's what you want I will do it all. But if you want to go then just know that I love you. I will always love you. I will only ever love you."

His tears were falling just as quickly as Dianne's now. What Joe said meant so much to Dianne and it only confirmed what side of her own argument she wanted to fight for.

"I don't want that Joe. I don't want you to change. You're perfect. I'm sorry for everything I've put you through for the past 11 months. But I don't want you to change. All I want is you."

As she said this, she leaned forward and gently pressed her forehead onto Joe's. Their lips millimetres apart and their noses touching. Their eyes couldn't be pealed off of one another's and nothing in the world mattered right now except for each other.

"Are you sure?" Joe whispered into Dianne's lips. His warm breath on her skin, making her body feel alive, and calm for the first time in 3 days.

"Positive." Dianne said calmly.

She moved her lips onto his. She could feel the cut on his lip, with her own, the slight metallic taste of Joe's blood on her lips. But she didn't care.

They deepened the kiss, allowing nothing but their love for one another take centre stage.

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now