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A/N Hey people, sorry I've been away for the past few days. Hope you enjoy this next chapter xx

Joe's POV:

I awoke early that morning, somehow feeling way more tired then I did after sleeping than before it. I felt like l had only been asleep for a few minutes when in reality it was a few hours. My head was laid on Dianne's chest, her chin resting on the top of my skull. The heavy weight of the splint over my hand was resting on her stomach whilst both of our legs lay motionless and intertwined.

I slowly shuffled away from Dianne, and stood up out of bed. I wore the same shirt I wore when I tackled Anthony off of Dianne. It was stained red and absolutely stank. I took the shirt and my joggers off, throwing them both into the wash basket. I left Dianne in the dark, and walked into the bathroom - taking off my underwear and stepping into the shower.

I let the hot water rush over my bruised and tired body. Watching the dried blood wash off my back and out of my hair. I let my mind wander to places it hadn't ventured to in well over a year. I thought about everything that had gone on in my life since I moved to London. The good things that had happened to me, the smiles I wore to hide the stress I was under. The pain I felt going through chemo - the pain I've felt through the physical torture my body has been subjected through because of Anthony and Danny's antics. The pain I feel right now as the water seeps into every scrape and scratch across my body.

I had no idea how long I stared blankly at the tiled flooring I was stood on, but was taken out of my thoughts as the water in the shower turned cold, snapping me back to reality. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. Letting the water drip off of the top half of my body onto the floor. I walked across it, being careful to not slip over - despite how funny that would've been, I really wasn't in the mood for a laugh.

Narrator's POV:

Joe walked over to the sink, and looked at the large mirror mounted on to the wall in front of him. The steam making his image seem blurry and distorted. Like this he just looked like a man. The outline of a body that could be anyone and know anything about life. But as Joe raised his hand, he wiped away the layer of condensation that had formed revealing the man behind the steam.

As Joe looked at himself in the mirror, he almost didn't recognise what he had become. His right eye was bruised, leaving a dark circle around his eye socket, seeping onto the bridge of his nose. A large graze was across his eyebrow and seemed red and angry. He was tired. He wasn't Joseph Sugg anymore. He was a broken man holding onto his last thread at life.

Images played over and over in Joe's head. People showing up in his thoughts, left - right - and centre.



Zoe and Alfie

His parents


Anyone who's affected his life in one way or another has showed up like a collage within his tired brain. Slowly driving him insane.

As he stared at what he had become in the mirror he allowed the tears to start flooding down his face. These weren't tears of pain or sadness. These were tears that contained the last of what Joe had inside of him. All that was left of him was his bones, his organs and some blood. But the tears that were falling down his face was the final escape of emotion he could give.

Without thinking about it, Joe turned around to the large white cabinet he kept by the door to the bathroom. Reaching into the top draw, he pulled out a razor blade coated in a dried red substance. Joe rubbed his wet finger across the blade, to scrape away some of his dried blood, cutting the skin on his finger as he did so.

He looked down to his wrist, his hands profusely shaking as he did so. He readied the blade, slowly bringing the sharp edge towards the veins in his wrist. He looked back over to the mirror and saw his reflection and what he was doing to himself.

He closed his eyes, only sharpening the images he could see in his brain. He pushed the blade into his wrist before he heard a sweet melody reach his ears.

"Joe - please don't. If not for yourself then for me."

Joe didn't dare open his eyes, instead shut them tighter, making the images in his head jumping out like a 3D film. "Dianne?" he questioned hoping that she could help him in one way or another.

"Joe I'm right beside you - please don't move whatever you do."

Joe felt a warm hand on his cold and wet back, making a strange sensation fall down his spine up to his brain. It was a feeling that Joe hadn't felt in several months. A feeling that Joe had missed. A feeling that only Dianne could give him...

A/N Sorry this wasn't the best chapter. Will Joe ever get back to normal or will he have to jump after all? Find out soon...

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now