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Joe's POV:

"Right thank you very much for your patience Mr Sugg will you please follow the officer out of the hospital and allow him to take you to the police station." The doctor said, as he finished up with a line of stitching around the back of my head. My left eye was swollen shut. My hand was in a splint with 4 bruised bones resting uncomfortably inside. My head was aching unbearably. I was missing about 15 hours of much needed sleep, and I could barely stay awake.

But none of that hurt as much as seeing the image of Anthony with Dianne. He deserved to be miserable. He deserved to pay for what he had done to her. Whatever he had done to me in the past I could live with, but this was a step to far. For him to rape the only woman I have ever loved gives him the right to be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

"Before I go, can I see Dianne?" I questioned, hoping that I could at least see her once more.

"I'm sorry Mr Sugg but Miss Buswell is doing tests as we speak, but right now the most important thing is that we get you and Miss Buswell the justice that you deserve. And we can only do that if you come with me." The police officer said from the corner of the surgical suite we were sat in.

I nodded in agreement, with a solemn feeling in my aching bones. I got up off of the hospital bed and followed the officer out of the room and down the bright corridors of the hospital. The white lights only adding to the headache that was weighing me down. I'd had so many bad memories in these halls. The faint image I remember of Dianne crying, covered in my blood as I was taken away from her after being shot. The memory of carrying Dianne's limp body through the endless white walls, towards a small room. The news I was given that I'm not a father. The memories of letting Dianne and my family down burdens me as I walk on the slippery, clinical floors and plastered walls.

I keep my head down only lifting it when I feel the cold breeze of London's midnight air hit my body, as I walk out of the hospital.

"Right this way Mr Sugg." The officer said as she gestured to an unmarked police car parked outside the hospital. I got in the back, as she got in the front. Feeling like a criminal I sat and looked out the window as the image of the hospital left my tired eyes. And the Image of Dianne almost fading away forever.

Dianne's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes to find a bright light right above my head. Shining into my eyes and momentarily blinding me. My head was sore and my thoughts felt foggy and distant. I felt some hands on my arm. My arms felt bruised and my muscles felt tight and uncomfortable in my body. I slowly looked over to my left, to see a short, slim woman standing by various machines, with a notepad in her arms. She looked past the book, stopped what she was writing and gave me a sweet smile.

"Miss Buswell, so glad to see that you're awake." She handed me some water as I slowly sat up in the bed I was laying down in. As I moved, my muscles screamed out in agony. "Here, slowly drink this, and in a moment, your doctor and a police officer will come to speak to you."

"A police officer? Why?" I questioned feeling very confused and unsure of the situation I was in. Was I still dreaming, or was I re-living a nightmare?

"I'm sorry Miss Buswell I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you, hence why the officer is here." I nodded to her in understanding as I sipped at the cold water in the frosted glass. She gave me a smile before leaving me alone in the room. I sat and thought in silence as to what had happened. The last thing I really remember properly is the memory of Joe walking out of that studio after our kiss. 'JOE!' I thought to myself. Where was he?

Did he know I was here?

Did he care?

Are we still together?

Did I break up with him or am I still wanting him in my arms?

I was taken out of my wondering thoughts as a tanned woman in a white coat, entered the room, followed by a tall man in a Police uniform.

"Miss Buswell I'm glad to see that you're up. So firstly we need to talk to you about your health, and then officer Hartley will speak to you about the incident." I didn't want to interrupt the lady, so I just nodded in a silent reply. "So we did some tests, you're head is perfectly fine. You have a small cut above your right eyebrow but that will heal within the next few days. Just be sure to keep it clean okay. Secondly we checked the areas that have been effected by what happened earlier and we can tell you that everything is okay. There is no pregnancy scare or any damage so you're okay." As she finished speaking, she gave me a professional yet calming smile. But I was still more than confused

"Wait why would I be pregnant?" I asked intrigued. The woman paused and looked over to the officer.

"Miss Buswell at around 10 pm this evening, you were attacked and raped by an unknown attacker." As he said this my heart dropped to the floor. It felt like it fell so quickly, it was falling down the side of a building. 'Raped?' How could I have been raped. I have absolutely no memory of any of this.

"By the look on your face, I can gather that you don't remember this." Officer Hartley continued. "Nevertheless, we have to take both you and a Mr Joseph Sugg into questioning to get a statement from you both. You're not in trouble with us, but we just need a statement so that we can find the man who did this to you. Understood?"

"Yes." I said simply, but something was still playing on my mind. "Wait why is Joe being questioned as well?"

"Mr Sugg seems to have been there at the time of the assault. From what we know already he pulled the attacker off of you, seemed to have some sort of physical fight with him and we believe that Mr Sugg was the one who called both the Police and the paramedics. That's why."

I couldn't believe it.

Joe may have saved my life. I mean it's not the first time he's done that, but this was different. This felt like it wasn't just for love, it was also for care, and like he actually wanted me to be okay.

As I tried to unscramble all that I had heard tonight, I followed the officer down the many corridors and out into the open air of London. I was sat into an unmarked police car, still in deep thought about everything. But then one question came into my mind and after that, I couldn't think of anything else.

'Joe may have saved me, but this may have never happened if he didn't leave me in the first place.'

'was this all Joe's fault?'

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now