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A/N Hey people, this chapter contains smut - If you don't want to read it by all means skip this chapter x

Joe's POV:

I fumbled around behind my back fiddling with the plastic key card for our hotel room. My lips were attacking Dianne's. My back was pressed onto the door, and her body was close to mine. Very close to mine. Her lips were pressed into my own, they were warm and soft to the touch, eventually her tongue brushed my lower lip, asking for a way in. It didn't allow it yet.

Eventually I manged to get the door to our hotel open, leaning on the door handle and leaning back on the wooden entrance, before it suddenly gave way and causing me to fall back onto the soft carpeted floor of our hotel room, Dianne falling directly on top of me.

Our lips parted and we instantly began to cry with tears of laughter. Dianne still laid on top of me, her head burrowed into the crook of my neck. Eventually we got up off of the floor, clearing the tears that had gathered in the corner of our eyes. Dianne sat down on the edge of our freshly made bed. I walked across to the mini bar, grabbing a bottle of wine and two glasses. We had both had way to much to drink hence our giggly and 'interesting' state at the moment.

I didn't care though. It had been a long time since I had been with Dianne, and my plans for tonight certainly weren't going to change anytime soon.

Dianne's POV:

I continued to look up to Joe. Through the tailored jacket of his suit, I could see his muscles tense and relax through each movement of his hands and arms. Joe had always seemed sexy to me but right now, as the memories of our dinner this evening and the images of the way Joe looked in that suit, I couldn't help but let my mind wander to what tonight could become.

Joe turned around and handed me a glass of wine. I'd had at least 4 glasses already, but I had no care for what that might do to me tomorrow morning. All I was thinking about was what was going on now.

Joe placed his own glass down on the table, before giving me a smirk. His blue eyes gazing down at mine. He slowly sighed and bit his lower lip. I new exactly what he was insinuating, and right now I liked it. He kept his eyes on mine as I watched his fingers, toughly undo the buttons to his jacket, and rip it off of his body. Carelessly throwing it on the floor behind him. He sighed again as he ran his hands through his hair - then quickly yanking off his tie and undoing his top button. His firm eye contact making my body erupt with a tingling feeling - making my hairs stand on end, and my mind go to the thoughts that I had been doing my best to keep locked away since the attack. The thought of Joe. The thought of us once again.

I watched his every move as I watched the man in front of me seem strangely dominant as he picked up his wine and drank it all in one go.

"Jeez slow down Joe - You're not 26 anymore." I said in a chuckled tone, secretly loving every move that he was making.

"But if I slow down then it means I can't do this..."

As he said this, Joe ripped the glass out of my hands, and placed it on the table, he pushed me back onto the bed and got over my body. He pressed his lips roughly onto my neck. Joe new exactly how to push my buttons and right now he was repeatedly pressing the right ones.

His lips attacking the one spot I needed him to, my body erupting into that tingly feeling once again.

I allowed a small moan to escape from my lips as Joe continued to kiss my neck with the perfect combination of power and tenderness. His hands were moving up and down my body, following the curves that were accentuated by the dress I wore. My hands were running circles up and down Joe's back. Eventually grasping a fold on his shirt and un-tucking it from his trousers. I rushed my hands up his shirt and traced the line of his abs with my fingers.

He slowly moved his kisses along my jawline - landing back on my lips before he pulled away from me, only making me want him more. He sat up slightly, allowing his knees to fall to the side of my hips. He unbuttoned his shirt completely , revealing his toned body. He gave another smirk and bit his lip once again as he got off of me and slowly removed his belt.

The speed he was doing this at was agonising. He was teasing me to great effect. I wanted him so much right now but the way he was looking at me showed a dominance that I couldn't ignore. As he removed his trousers, he was left only in his boxers.

Climbing back over me, I felt Joe press his hips forward into my upper thigh - distinctly feeling the outline of everything. He looked at me with that dominant glint in his eye. I'd seen Joe look sexy before, but this was a whole new level - a level I wanted to stay at.

Without word or warning, Joe roughly pressed his lips back onto the sweet spot on my neck. The sudden feeling forcing my back to arch and my head to lift up. Joe craftily took this opportunity to undo the zip on the back of my dress. His soft hands leaving a trail of goosebumps as he touched the skin of my back. Taking off my heels and dress, both Joe and I laid with each other only in our underwear.

He began to trail his kisses down my skin, leaving my neck and heading down of the flesh of my chest, kissing and gently biting his way down my stomach to the hem of my laced underwear.

Joe gave me a smirk as he began to slowly remove the item of clothing.

He gently extended his arm up my body and pressed his finger onto my lips, gesturing for me to stay quiet...

Joe continued the light kisses and movements until eventually reaching...



Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now