Getting to her

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Joe's POV:

I stood in the lift, impatiently tapping my foot on the floor. I wanted to get to Dianne as soon as I could. Caspar's words were repeating in my head.

I was really looking forward to being able to sort this out. If I could sort it out with Dianne that was. But I would be lying if I said that I wasn't constantly going over what I wanted to say. Or what responses to give to any questions Dianne has. I have no idea if she's even going to let me in the house or not.

As the lift doors opened and I stepped out into the hallway, I could feel my heart racing a thousand miles per hour - my palms became sweaty - and my breaths became short and inconsistent. I walked slowly down the hallway towards the door to my home, as I took 3 deep breaths, worrying what would greet me on the other side of that door.




I got up to the door to find it open a little bit. I couldn't see inside but could hear quiet thuds coming from inside the room.

Narrator's POV:

Joe's interest was peaked. His mind and body seemed to be racing at 1000 miles an hour. He had to see what was happening. Without knocking, Joe pushed open the door. Slowly and quietly.

As he looked into his home, he saw a truly scarring image. Passed out on the floor was the love of his life. Her eyes were open and rolled backwards. The delicate hazel in her eyes was now nowhere to be seen, leaving a blank sheet of white in the centre of Dianne's face. But the sight of an unconscious Dianne wasn't what shook Joe to his very core.

On top of her limp and frail body, was the sight of a large man, forcing himself inside of the woman Joe loved. Joe couldn't tell who the man was, but by the look of Dianne's body and face, this wasn't meant to happen. She didn't want it to.

Joe took a punt and ran towards the man, Joe may be small but after years of playing rugby, he knew how to tackle someone almost 3 times his size to the floor. He began to sprint at the man and flung his entire weight at his rib cage that was slightly elevated off of Dianne's back. He manged to tackle him off of her and onto his back.

Joe now used all his force to pin the man down on the floor and look at his face.

Joe's POV:

As I pushed down on his shoulders with my hands, and used my knees to pin his lower arms down by his side, I looked at the man who had been raping the woman that I love.

Anthony fucking Quinlan.

I had no idea what to say to him. I had no idea what to do. I could see the anger in his face, but the glint of pain in his eyes, told me that I still had the upper hand in this.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO HER!!" I screamed at him. I could feel my grip on him loosening and his arms sliding from underneath my weak knees.

He said nothing, but I felt my knee fall down and hit the wooden flooring of my lounge. I saw Anthony's large fist fly at my face, out of the corner of my tired eyes.

I felt his fist connect with my left eye, Instantly causing enough pain to silence me. My head began to swirl more and I felt my entire body collapse off of his torso and onto the floor. I felt a small line of blood drip down the side of my face, as my eye began to bruise. My brain still shaking around my skull I didn't quite know what was going on.

I managed to regain my balance and get to my feet. I ignored the pain I could feel within my head and stepped away from Anthony as he pulled up his trousers and thankfully put his 'stuff' away.

His face was a deep red, and was covered in a fine layer of sweat. I refused to think why that was, although I already knew the answer. I continued to step away from him slowly, not tripping over Dianne's lifeless body as I did so.

We said nothing to each other. I had nothing to say to him. I wasn't just angry at him, I was in a state of indescribable hatred for what he has done to Dianne. He had done some pretty shitty and illegal stuff to me in the past but I had done what he asked me to. I had protected Dianne and not called the police on him, but this was taking it too far.

I walked over confidently towards Anthony.He may have been almost half a foot taller than me but I could still hurt him. The hatred that I felt for him had been bubbling up for the past 11 months now, and this was the last straw.

I clenched my fists down by my side, before summoning all of my strength and punching him directly on the nose, causing it to bleed heavily. I'd never punched anyone before, so I was not prepared for how much pain was radiating in my hand as I punched him. The moment after I punched him, possibly breaking his nose, I regretted my decision. I ran away from him and back towards my sofa. I got my phone out, facing away from him as he regained his control.

I quickly brought up the keypad and called 999

"Hello, this is 999 what seems to be the emergency?"

I heard the voice and panicked, speaking as quickly as I could as I could see out of my peripheral vision, Anthony coming over to me.

"Hello I need an ambulance and the police right now."

"Okay sir, what has happened?"


I was cut off by the a sharp pain radiating throughout my skull, and then


Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now