Stating our names

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A/N Sorry for not uploading yesterday, I'll post now and then catch up later this evening. Hope you enjoy xx

Dianne's POV:

"I'm going to ask you one more time Miss Buswell, what do you remember about the attack?"

I sat uncomfortably on the metal chair, inside of an enclosed room with nothing but a table, a single bright light hanging from the ceiling and a large mirror on the wall opposite me. Across the table from me, sat two stressed faces. I didn't really know who they were, all I knew was that they worked with the police and were responsible for the investigation of my attack.

"Miss Buswell please can you answer the question." One of the people said to me. She was a young lady in her mid twenties, by my guess. Her face was stern and she looked way to serious to be younger than me, but then again, I was 30 years old still acting like I was 13 sometimes. I cleared my throat and began to tell them what I had already said to them 3 times before.

"I don't remember anything about the attack. All I know is what people have told me. Now can I please leave. I'm tired, I'm lost and I have had a really shitty day. Please." I sighed. My voice was on the verge of tears, and was breaking continuously. I refused to break down in front of the people. I knew they were politely questioning me, but right now this felt more like an interrogation than anything else.

"I'm sorry Miss Buswell but we can't let you leave until we have all the information we need." I sighed and lent back into the chair, I crossed my arms across my body in an attempt to protect myself from the world. "So what exactly do you know from what you have been told?"

"well... Um... I know that I was attacked and...r - raped," My voice stuttered at the word. "I don't know who it was that attacked me but I know that Joe Sugg pulled the attacker off of me. That is all I know."

"And how do you know Mr Sugg?" The other person asked. He was a slightly older gentleman, he wore round glasses and scribbled down everything I said, furiously on a notepad.

I took in a deep breath before talking about Joe. I was almost certain that talking about him would set my tears off. "I met Joe roughly 11 months ago, he was my partner on Strictly Come Dancing. I danced with him for 3 months before we then started going out with each other." I kept the details brief as I didn't want to tell the police about what Anthony had done to Joe, as he was continuously threatening us to not tell the police what he had done.

The lady lent back in her chair just as I did and looked at me. Her eyes, penetrating my glance, she read my face, as if she was somehow getting all the information she wanted out of my head, without even talking to me. It freaked me out so I decided to break the silence and ask a question.

"Can I see him?" I asked quietly.

"Who?" The lady asked frustrated at me and my vague answers to her questions.

"Joe." I said, equally becoming impatient with how she was talking to me. I knew that they were trying to help me but I felt like I was being questioned like a criminal rather than a victim.

"Mr Sugg might still be in his own questioning, but you're free to go Miss Buswell. Please follow the exit signs, and leave the station, we have all your's and Mr Sugg's contact details for when we have any news on your attacker." The man said politely. I already decided that I liked him more than the cold, harsh looking woman sat next to him. I got up, slowly feeling my bruised muscles scream as I began to walk out of the room. I got to the door and turned back towards them.

"Thank you." I said simply, before walking out into the streets of London. Suddenly this city didn't feel as safe as it did before.

Joe' POV:

I sat on an uncomfortable chair, fiddling with the splint that was itching my wrist. My hand, eye and head was still in unbearable amounts of pain, but I knew I had to get through this, for Dianne's sake, and then get back to that hospital so I can see her.

I was taken out of my thoughts, when a tall skinny man, wearing a well fitted suit walked into the room I was sat alone in. "Mr Sugg." He said in a cheerful tone, which in all honesty really wasn't appropriate for the situation. He held out his hand before sitting down on the metal table opposite me. I got up quickly and held out my left hand, It wasn't bruised and was the only part of my upper body that wasn't in agony. He shook my hand before gesturing for me to sit down again.

"So Mr Sugg, tonight I would like to discuss with you the events of earlier this ev..."

I cut him off, but I couldn't wait anymore.

"Is Dianne okay?" I questioned, in a panicky and slightly needy tone

"She's just gone into questioning now, you can see her later but we need to have a chat first." He said calmly. He cleared his throat before getting out a pen from his top breast pocket and writing down some notes.

"Now for the record, can you please state your full name, age, and place of birth."

"Joseph Graham Sugg, I'm 27 years of age, and I was born in Lacock, Wiltshire."

"Now Mr Sugg can you please tell me everything that you have done today since 7:00 pm?"

I cleared my throat, lent forward on my chair, and tucked my hands uncomfortably underneath my thighs, to stop them from shaking. I felt myself begin to sweat a little bit and just thought to myself for a brief moment. 'C'mon Sugg pull yourself together. For Dianne.'

"Earlier I was round at my friend Caspar Lee's apartment, I went to talk to him about my relationship with Dianne. I was really upset because I thought we had broken up. However after talking to Caspar, he made me realise that I was just over reacting. So I headed back to the home that Dianne and I share, I was going to talk to her and see if I can still be with her, because despite everything that we've been through I still love her more than life. However once I got up there I found that the door was left open, I went in slowly to find Dianne being forced upon by a large man, whilst she was passed out on the floor to our lounge. I used to play rugby so I knew I could tackle this guy off of her. I did, and obviously after that he wasn't happy. He punched me, I then punched him back, for self defence purposes, I manged to get away from him and took that moment to call both the police and an ambulance for Dianne. He then knocked me out and the next thing I knew I was in an ambulance on my way to the hospital."

I manged to get through my speech. But it hurt. The memories of seeing Dianne like that were now fresh in my mind again. The idea of what he did to her haunting me. It was only after I finished speaking that I realised my face was flooded with tears. I didn't even realise that I could cry through my left eye, seeing as it was swollen shut.

The smartly dressed man wrote down everything that I said on the notepad in front of him, before looking up.

"Have either you or Miss Buswell encountered this man before?"

I took in a deep breath. I couldn't keep his haunted secrets any more, it was about time the world new how he had ruined my life.

"He was Dianne's ex-boyfriend. In November of last year he attacked me and shot me in the leg. roughly two months after that he advised someone to attack me once again and roughly 4 months ago he threatened myself and Dianne. And one month ago he kidnapped me and threatened both myself and Dianne once more."

"And who is this man?" The guy asked me. The cheery smile he had when he walked in was now nowhere to be seen and was now replaced with a stony and professional expression. I wiped the tears from my eyes and winced as my finger pressed on the dark bruise around my eye. I gulped before opening my mouth.

"Anthony Quinlan."

A/N Hey sorry that this was really long and boring. It will definitely get better when I post tonight. xx

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now