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A/N Quick heads up this will be quite a dark chapter involving both smut and violence

Dianne's POV:

I opened the door quickly, my heart full of anticipation. My tears had barely stopped falling from my cold and pale cheeks. And my breaths were rapid and inconsistent. I prayed that Joe would be the other side of that door - that he had come back and that we could forget this ever happened and move on with our relationship. I wanted to be back in his arms. But I couldn't be.

As I opened the door I looked at the large figure who was stood casually leaning his broad shoulders on the door frame. As I took one look at his face I had one thought only.


"Hey Di, How are things?"

His sickeningly calm tone of voice making me want to rip off my own ears so that I didn't have to hear him. I cleared my throat before saying his name through gritted teeth.

"Anthony." I said bitterly. After everything that he has done to both Joe and I, I cannot begin to describe the hatred I hold for that cruel, and sickening man.

"Can I come in?" He asked some what politely as he walked into my home - 'slightly ironic don't you think? ' I thought to myself sarcastically.

"Anthony what are you doing here?" I said loudly getting straight to my point.

"C'mon Di, don't be like that," He said with an irritatingly casual tone,"It's not like you to be this upset and unwelcoming. What's wrong sweetheart?"

That really pissed me off. My emotions were on one hell of a roller coaster today, and he knew exactly how to press my buttons.

"Firstly, don't call me that. You have no right to call me that, so just don't okay. Secondly you know exactly what's going on with my life right now. Why else would you happen to walk into my home you creepy mother fucker." I could feel my anger rising. I walked away from the open door and slowly stepped towards the tall figure of Anthony Quinlan, who was stood irritatingly confidently in my home.

"Well maybe it's because I haven't had a conversation with you in quite a long time. I wonder why Di?"

"Because the last time I had a conversation with you, you shot Joe!" I screamed at him. "Since that day you have done nothing but torment and ridicule and injure him. You've only been trying to ruin my life and kill my boyfriend, Anthony maybe that's why we haven't spoken in a while you fucking twat!"

"Ex-Boyfriend" Anthony said calmly, interrupting my rant at him.

"Shut up Anthony" I bitterly said back. I didn't need reminding of that right now. He ignored my comment and continued talking.

"You know I saw that news article and that picture..."

"Shut up." I repeated.

"It's a real shame that had to happen Di..."

"Shut up!" I practically screamed at him, yet still he ignored me.

"You know what, it makes me wonder what happened in your relationship. I mean why doesn't Joe love you anymore?"

That's when he stopped talking. And I'm glad he stopped talking as the anger in my body was rising way to high. But it was already past my limit. His last comment really hit home. It really made me hate him. In all honesty I hated him because he might be right. But I couldn't think about that now. All I could focus on was how angry I was at the smug figure who stood in my hallway, using all of his time and energy to ruin my life. I continued to walk up to him with my fists clenched. I finally got close enough. I raised my right hand and using all my strength, slapped him across the face. Hard.

His face twisted to his right as my hand connected with his cheek. He slowly turned his head back and looked deep in my eyes. Hatred and a psychotic glint mixing like a cocktail across his cold and stony face.

"Now why did you have to do that?" He questioned.

Narrator's POV:

As soon as Anthony said those 8 words, Dianne regretted her decision. She all of a sudden felt powerless in this situation. Her mind went blank and she stood there, waiting for Anthony's next move.

Anthony suddenly grabbed Dianne's throat and pushed her across the room and onto the wall were the large clock in the kitchen was placed. He held his hand against her throat very tightly, practically lifting Dianne's entire body weight off of the floor. Her airways were cut off, and being smacked against the wall had knocked all the remaining air out of her body.

Struggling to breath, Dianne managed to get out a few choked words.

"Anthony.....please......let go....can't breath."

"Well that's kind of the point of this Dianne." Anthony said calmly, with that psychotic glint in his eye, sickening Dianne to her very core. He eventually let go of her, leaving Dianne's feet back firmly or the floor, whilst she doubled over and coughed heavily. Attempting to get some air back into her lungs before she passed out.

As Dianne slowly regained oxygen she stood up straight again, cornered by Anthony's large frame onto the wall. He gave a slight chuckle before heftily placing his large hand on Dianne's sternum. Knocking her back into the wall with a thud.

With his left hand placed firmly on Dianne's upper chest, he brought up his right hand and gently stroked Dianne's face. Making her shiver, and cringe.

"Now what do we to you?" Anthony said in an exhaled, soft tone. His words made Dianne feel lost. Feel helpless. Feel sick.

Anthony continued to stroke her face, but eventually he gently moved his hand down onto her jawline. Further down onto her neck. Then gently gliding his fingers down her chest, following the curve of her breasts. He continued to move his fingers down her stomach before stopping his hand at the top of her joggers. He hooked one finger into the top of the elasticated waste band and tugged at it, drawing it back.

"Anthony please don't." Dianne pleaded in a breathless and scared voice.

"C'mon Di. For old times sake."

"No Anthony don't." Dianne's voice became panicky. She tried to move away but was instantly pushed back to the wall. Anthony looked her in her helpless eyes and gave her a broad smile. Keeping dangerous eye contact as Anthony began to pull Dianne's joggers off of her cold, and shaking legs. Eventually leaving her in a t-shirt and her underwear.

Anthony took his hand off of her sternum and pushed his sweaty palm onto her face, across her mouth. He used his other hand to forcefully spin Dianne around. Her head whacking against the wall as he did so.

She wanted to scream out. She wanted to get out of this, but she couldn't. All she could do was break down. She allowed the floods of tears to fall from her tired eyes as she felt Anthony's strong weight on her back. Feeling Anthony's grim hands on her body until she felt her underwear fall and Anthony forcefully push himself inside of her.

Dianne let out a small whimper as a pain culminated in her lower stomach.

Anthony continued to thrust himself back and forth. Each push becoming more painful. More forceful. More damaging.

Dianne could do nothing. No matter how hard she tried, her body was powerless. Was broken. Was lost.

Eventually an unconscious state washed over Dianne.

Her last feeling was that of a psychopaths weight on her fragile body.

Her last thought being a word which she wish she could say before darkness took over her life.


Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now