Flying somewhere safe

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Dianne's POV:

"C'mon Di we have to go, the gates open." Joe said to me in his stressed and panicky tone of voice that he always gets whenever he travels.

"Joe it's 5:30 in the morning, I've only had one coffee and I don't know where we're going - for all I know you could be kidnapping me." The moment I said this, I regretted it. Joe's smiley face that I was only just used to seeing again, disappeared and he looked regretfully at the polished floor of the airport. "I'm only joking Joe." I said quietly, trying my hardest to not think about what happened.

"Yeah, yeah I know." Joe said giving a fake chuckle as he said it. I knew for a fact that he still blamed himself for all that happened. He didn't need to because it wasn't true. No matter how many times I told him that though, I knew he would always feel guilty. I reached up to him and placed my hand on his cheek, going up on my tip-toes and gently pressing my lips onto his warm ones.

"Let's get going then shall we?" I asked trying to get off of the subject. "Were are we going anyway Joseph?" I saw that beloved smile of his creep back, as he remembered what we doing in the airport.

"You'll find out soon enough don't you worry." Joe said with a smirk on his face as he gently grabbed my hand and led me through the airport. At that moment, I had forgotten about all the issues Joe and I had been going through. Because right now, as he whisked me away somewhere on holiday, I had the hand of the man I loved in mine, with smiles plastered across our faces.

I finally had my Joe back.

And I am going to do everything within my power to not let him go again.

Joe's POV:

Dianne didn't know it yet, but we were actually going to Paris. As cliche as it is, I'd always wanted to take a girl there. It's so romantic - so perfect - so needed. It crossed my mind that maybe I should try to propose to her whilst we are there, but if I learned anything from last time, the timing just isn't right.

My new plan was to throw all my thoughts into my work and into keeping Dianne happy, and proposing once again would only make that all worse - so my mature decision was to make everything perfect for this trip, without doing anything stupid.

As I held Dianne's hand, walking through the airport, I couldn't help but smile. After all that we had been through and are still going through, I couldn't help but feel glad that everything had happened. Because if Dianne hadn't been attacked and if I hadn't been in a shitty mood, then I wouldn't be here - now - with the girl of my dreams, heading to the most romantic city on the planet.

Narrator's POV:

After finally getting to the gate, and settling on the plane, Joe looked over to the red head next to him. He didn't say anything but looked at every square inch of her beautiful face.

Joe thought to himself about everything that Dianne represents to him. Joe new for a fact that she was the only person he had ever loved. And the only person that had ever loved him back. She was the only reason that he could get up in the morning, and the only person that he wanted to be with when he dies. To say that she was important to him wasn't just an understatement, it was a lie. She meant more to him than anything he had ever done in his life ever. All the subscribers in the world and all the money from his channel, would only give him 1% of the happiness that Dianne gives him.

"I am so lucky." Joe said, as he continued to look at Dianne.

"What?" Di said, as she looked up from her phone back into Joe's eyes that were bluer than they ever had been.

"I am so lucky to be taking the girl that I love to Paris" Joe said with a triumphant smile on his face. Dianne's however dropped and her eyes widened in amazement.

"Paris?" Dianne squealed with a smile on her face - making sure that she had heard Joe right. She'd always wanted to go, but growing up the way that she did, she never had the time or money to visit the French capital.

"Yep." Joe said as Dianne kissed him on his cheek in gratitude.

"Have you ever been before?" Dianne asked as she looked deeply into his eyes.

"No" Joe said simply.

"How come?"

"I've never had the right person to go with"

A/N Sorry this wasn't the most exciting, but big things are coming don't you worry

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now