An outside opinion

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Amy's POV:

I came out of my bedroom with Ben following behind me and walked into the lounge. Dianne was curled up on the sofa, her legs tucked up to her chest. Her eyes blood shot and tearful, her mascara run and highlighting the bags that had formed underneath her eyes.

"Dianne." I said quietly as I sat down on the floor by her side. She gave no answer, I twisted my body round to speak to Ben.

"Babe can you make us some coffee please?" He stayed quiet and nodded in the door way as he walked into the kitchen. "Dianne?" I repeated slightly louder. She slowly raised her head and looked in my direction. I loved Dianne to bits but in all honesty she looked like shit right now. And I'm sure that's how she feels right now. I know how important Joe is to her and this must be killing her.


A: How are you feeling

D: Like complete shit to be honest

A: Did you get any sleep last night?

D: Fuck all

A: Di that's not good. You must be shattered, why didn't you come and get me. We could have talked throughout the night. You know that I would've stayed up with you

D: No I didn't want to iterru-...

She's cut off by Ben walking into the room with two cups of black coffee in his hands. He gives Dianne a weak smile whilst setting down the cups

B: How are you feeling Di?

A: Could you give us a moment please babe. I'll be back in a second

Ben leaves the room graciously leaving the two of them alone again.

D: Amy what do I do?

A: With Joe?

D: Of course with fucking Joe, I'm not here to discuss my next holiday!!

A: .....

D: Sorry I didn't mean to snap at you, I just don't know where my heads at right now. Everything is swirling and I can't fall asleep unless I'm in Joe's arms.

A: It's fine don't worry about it. Just what do you think is the right thing to do?

D: I don't know. I mean despite what he's done I still love him, but it's just he knows the shit that I've been through and I never pictured him as being one of those guys. I just feel like I don't really know him any more. I'm kind of glad that I lost his baby now.

A: Wait what?!!

D: Shit you didn't know that did you. About a month ago I fell pregnant but earlier last week I found out that I lost the baby, so... Yeah.

A: Shit Di. Why didn't you tell us?

D: We decided not to tell anyone in case it went wrong and low and behold, look what happened. It seems like for the entire time I've been with Joe, I've let him down and things have gone wrong. Maybe it's for the best that we stop trying and just give up.

A: Dianne that is the biggest load of bull shit that has ever come out in that accent of yours

D: What do you mean?

A: Throughout the entire time that I've known you, I've seen the smiles you give in rehearsals, and I know they aren't real. I can see what's really going on behind those eyes and I can tell that those smiles are just a mask to hide what's really going on inside. But recently, when you're with Joe those smiles are different. They are real. They mean something. They show just how much you love Joe

D: Yeah but now I've lost that smile and I don't know where it is

A: It's back with Joe. If you can get through loosing a baby with him, then there's no reason that you can't get through a mistake he's made. Just look at the photos. She kissed him. He didn't kiss back

D: I just can't picture anything else now though then Joe with that girl

A: You haven't seen what it looks like from a picture to be with him though have you

D: What do you mean?

A: Go find him Di. Love finds a way always. Boys make mistakes but if you love him then you will realise that it was a mistake and nothing more. So do you love him or not?

D: I don't know anymore

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now