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Joe's POV:

I looked at Danny's smug face as he walked in. I knew that he was in Australia - he's the reason that I rushed here. An anger built up inside me that I couldn't ignore. I stood up properly and walked towards him. I don't know why but I felt like I had to do this - but I just did. Without saying a word, I crumpled my fist and quickly swung it at his head. I hit him right on the corner of his eyebrow, knocking him down to the floor with a thud. It was a good enough punch to make him loose his balance, but nowhere near good enough to knock him out completely. I quickly placed my foot on his chest so that he couldn't get back up.

"Where the fuck is she Danny?"


"Don't play that fucking game with me you prick - Dianne where is she"

"Last time I checked she was in Paris with you" Danny said sarcastically. He always knew exactly how to push my buttons and right now he was pushing all of them. "Joe I don't know if you have any experience with this, but I am your only chance of getting you out of this alive so you might not want to piss me off"

Somehow I knew to give him the benefit of the doubt. I took my foot off his chest and gave him a hand up so that we were eye level again. I could faintly see a large bruise growing on his forehead where I hit him. I looked down at my hand to see that one of my knuckles was bleeding after I hit him. I was taken out of my thoughts when I suddenly felt a strong force hit me in the chest. 

I looked back up to Danny to see that his hand was flat against my chest and he was pushing me back into the concrete wall I lent on. My bony shoulder blades were screaming as they dug into the tough wall behind them. Danny suddenly pulled out a large flip knife from his pocket. With one hand on my chest still, stopping me from moving, he held the sharp blade to my throat with his other hand.

"So Joseph - It's been a while hasn't it." He said with such control. He had the same psychotic glint in his eye that I had seen in Anthony before. The same glint that haunted my dreams and made my day times a living hell. "You know what, when I was told to come to Australia, I thought that maybe I could just get what I had to do done and then maybe spend some time relaxing in the sun. I don't know if you've thought about this but I'm under a lot of stress right now and I could really do with a break from it all."

"Well then If you have to do it then just do it now, but tell me one thing - where Dianne is" I replied using the few brain cells in my head that stayed calm and in control

"I could do that couldn't I - But first I'm gonna do this." As he said that, he removed the knife away from my neck and brought it down. He held one of my wrists and placed the tip into the skin of my arm.

"Fuuuuck!" I screamed as I felt the cold mettle dig into my arm and move very slowly up towards my elbow leaving a trail of thick red blood oozing out behind the knife. I'd cut myself before but for some reason this was the most pain full thing I had ever experienced.

"That's a really nice one that is isn't it Joe" Danny said in a calmly psychotic tone of voice. He brought the knife back towards my throat with an evil smirk written across his face.

"Now, where were....." Danny was cut of by the ringing of a phone coming from his pocket. "Ah I have a feeling I know who this might be Joseph - I mean she's only been calling your phone constantly"

The moment he said that, my heart began to beat at a million miles an hour. Dianne. She's alive still. She's calling me. She's okay. I was so happy that she was okay at that moment but at the same time I was so scared at what she knew. If she knew what Danny was doing to me right now. But as Danny pulled out the ringing phone from his pocket, a picture of Danny holding up two small children - huge smiles across all of their faces - showed up on the phone.

Danny stared at the picture, allowing a single tear to fall down his cheeks. He backed away from me and dropped the knife to the floor. I knew he had children. But I never really knew him well enough whilst we were on strictly to ask him about them. It never even crossed my mind. In that moment I stopped thinking about myself or Dianne, and just thought about him for a few moments.


J: Are those your kids?

D: Huh... Oh yeah they are

J: Do you want to answer it    

D: No I can't I'll fall apart and I can't do that whilst I'm working

J: Yeah you can

D: *looking back up to Joe* What?

J: Look at the situation that we're in. If you don't fall apart doing this then I'm sorry to say but you're a fucking psychopath - like Anthony

D: Please don't remind me of that prick right now Joe

J: Can I just ask you something?

D: Sure go ahead *he said whilst wiping the tears from his face*

J: Why the fuck do you let Anthony boss you about like this?

D: He threatened to kill my family if I don't do it

J: Really?

D: Yeah - now you see why I'm doing this to you and Dianne right

J: Fair enough - but now this is easier because you and I are in the same boat - you want to keep your family safe, and I want to get to Dianne and keep her safe

D: I guess you're right

J: Can I make you a deal?"

D: Depends

J: Whilst Anthony is still in prison go back home - go to your family. I mean it's obvious that you miss them. Once your back, tell the police what Anthony has done to you and increase his sentence in jail. If you do that for your family then I will promise to do something for you.

D: And what would that be?

J: I will stay thousands of miles away from you and stay here for the rest of my life. You'll never have to see me again, because I know that despite what is happening right now, you cannot stand me

D: No you are a complete prick

J: I know I am - quite frankly you aren't a treat either to be honest - sorry

D: No it's fine

Narrator's POV:

 As Danny said that he reached into his pocket and grabbed another phone. He chucked it at Joe who pressed the home screen to find the lock screen of him and Dianne on New year's eve. "Really?" Joe asked, surprised that the little chat he had with Danny actually worked.

"Yeah - get out of here Joe before I change my mind."

The moment Danny said those words, Joe ran towards the wooden door that Danny left unlocked. He quickly turned back to look at Danny "Go home mate." Joe said in his caring tone that he only ever reserved for a friend.

Joe ran back out into the Australian air to find the sun going down. He could see the train station roughly a mile down the long road that lay out ahead of him. Beginning to run down there, Joe made his way back.

Back to Dianne.

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now