Fairytale workouts part 1

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The Glass slipper

Sit on the very edge of your bed and squeeze your stomach. Then lift one leg up and reach down to gently touch it. Then go back up and do the other leg. Do 10 reps of 2 sets.

Works: the abs and legs.

Beauty and the Beast

The Enchanted rose reach

Go outside and go up to a flower. Then pretend to hipnotically reach for it. Do 17 reps of four sets

Works: the arms, back and shoulders

Sleeping Beauty

The deep sleep crunch

Stand with one arm in front of you looking like you're about to touch a spindle, walk slowly then act like you just touched a spindle and fell in to a deep sleep. Then come back up. Do 14 reps of 2 sets

Works: the entire body.

The Little Mermaid

The rock push up

On your yoga mat, pretend your Ariel singing part if your world on a rock. Get in to upward facing dog position as if you were a mermaid on a rock. Then do a tiny push up. Do 16 reps of three sets.

Works: the abs, ARMS and back

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