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Sara sits in the kitchen with Tony who sets two coffee mugs onto the counter in front of her before he sits at her side. He's worried about her, he's never seen her this non-smiley before, that's what everyone loves about her, how quick and easy and always happy she is. And this isn't her. He swears if he ever sees this Dean Winchester.

"How's your friend?" he asks.

"Unconscious, but I think he'll wake up" she answers quietly.

"Are you okay?" he asks, she shrugs and looks to him.

"It just hit me" Sara tells Tony wrapping her fingers around the mug in her hand. "Yesterday on the way back here, it just..." she takes a breath and shakes her head. "Finally sunk in" she looks to Tony. "He doesn't....love me any more, maybe he never did" Tony takes her hand and squeezes, she stares at the wall ahead of her fighting her urge to cry.

"You can cry if you want" Tony whispers. "I won't tell anyone" she looks to him and shakes her head.

"This has never happened before" she tells him, he nods, he knows that, she's always been the one to break a relationship off, when someone got too close at knowing the real her, the true her, Dean is the first person she's been in a serious relationship with. And he'd broken up with her. "I don't know how to...." Sara starts. "Process this" she looks away. "My chest hurts" she admits. Tony watches her sadly, his sister is hurting and he has no idea how to fix it. She just needs to get through it and he knows she will be fine. "I need to bake" she adds. Tony sighs.

"No, you don't...." Tony corrects. "You are going to deal with this like everyone else" she looks to him. "Drink, punch and screw"

"No" She argues. "That's not me. I can't get drunk. I might actually kill someone with a punch. And I don't sleep around"

"Then curl up in front of the tv with ice cream and cry watching romcoms. Just deal with this...don't push it down" she snorts.

"You're one to talk.....all you do is bury everything" Sara stands grabbing her mug. "Like dealing with the Civil War thing....you're all living together but none of you are talking about it, you're all just ignoring the fact that not a year ago you were all fighting one another, that you broke them up and locked them away....for what? Pride?" she asks. "Don't council me on dealing with things when you clearly don't" she snaps and then walks away.

"I hate heartbroken you" Tony mumbles after her. "So grumpy"


Sara grabs a bo-staff from the stands in the gym, it's not her bo-staff but it'll do for a small training session.

"It's a very....elegant weapon" Steve states behind her. She glances to him over her shoulder.

"Is that Captain America speak for....girly?" she asks turning to him.

"No" He is quick to argue. "Not girly.....elegant" Sara grabs another bo-staff and throws it at Steve who catches it. "What's this for?" he asks, Sara snaps her bo-staff up against the back of her arm.

"I want an opponent and you are here....so" she gives him a look. "Unless the bo-staff is too....girly for you, Cap?" Steve raises an eyebrow at her and spins the bo-staff in his hand.

"It's elegant" he corrects and then thrusts out the bo-staff, Sara counters it, blocking his attack, before she pushes back. And they're matched. Sara has her smaller frame and her agility on her side, Steve his strength and bigger frame on his, but they are both cut from the same cloth, she is his biological equal, she is him. But she's been training with the bo-staff since she was 12 years old, she was taking down men Steve's size when she was 16. Sara swings the bo-staff and swipes out Steve's legs, he drops backwards onto his back and Sara brings down the bo-staff to his neck.

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