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Dean wakes and reaches out to the other side of the bed, expecting to find Sara, he frowns finding it empty, and cold. He sits up and looks around the room. There is no sign that Sara was actually there. He's honestly not sure she was. No smell. No feeling. Nothing left behind. No broken lamp. Nothing. He's alone.

"It never happened" Dean whispers to himself. "She was never here. It was damn dream?" he asks angrily and then climbs out of bed. It had felt so real to him, her flesh under his fingers, her moans in his ears, her breath, her hair.....he shakes his head and growls at himself. This is ridiculous.


Bucky wakes to smaller hands on his chest, he frowns, panics a little before he smells her. Sara. He turns his head to her as she sets it against his arm.

"I know I said I would give you time" she whispers, he curls his metal arm around her waist and pulls her closer, he gives her a warm smile.

"I'm glad you're here, doll" he greets. "You were right"

"Well...I do love hearing that" she counters brushing his hair back from his eyes, crinkled still half asleep, and none the less adorable. "But so were you" she smiles. "No more running off after my ex" She promises him. "Unless it is the end of the world" he nods and smiles at her, leans closer nudging her nose. She closes her eyes and he kisses her. Soft at first. He's making sure she's sure about this. About him. She closes the gap and kisses him.

"Get some sleep, sweetheart" he whispers pulling back, she nods and rests her head on his chest closing her eyes. He threads his fingers through her hair and holds her close to him.


Bucky leans in the doorway watching Sara cook, wearing on of his shirts, he smiles, this is the right choice. Her and him together, is the right thing. Feels right. Sleeping with her in his arms. Is right. Her wearing his shirt. Right. That little light-hearted smile on her lips as she chews on a slice of bacon. Right. Sara Stark. Sara Lance. Whatever name she chooses. Right. He smiles wider and leans up.

"Sooo" Bucky starts approaching her.

"Sooo?" Sara asks glancing over her shoulder at him, Bucky smiles.

"Can I tell people you're my girlfriend now?" he asks, Sara sighs. "No, not that sigh" he grumbles.

"Bucky...." she turns to him. "We haven't even had a proper date yet" he nods and licks his lips before smirking.

"Alright...you and me, tonight.....dinner" she raises an eyebrow at him.

"Alright" she agrees. "Dinner sounds nice" he leans closer to kiss her, she smirks and turns away chuckles. He pouts at her. She strokes his neck and turns back to the stove where she cooks breakfast. He pokes her side and she squeals a little, Bucky's eyes widen.

"Are you...ticklish?" he asks, she shoots him a look.

"No" she lies, unconvincingly. Bucky raises an eyebrow pressing himself against her back, she closes her eyes as his hand wanders up to her waist, he pokes her again. "Bucky!!" she screams turning to hit him, he laughs dodging her. "I swear to God" she scolds as he grabs her wrist pulling her with him as he backs away to the couch. "What are you doing?" she asks, he winks and pulls her closer, wrapping his arms around her. He kisses her, arms wrapped around her waist, he then falls backwards with her onto the couch, Sara screams a little as he chuckles. "I hate you so much" she scolds lightly, not at all meaning it. Bucky shrugs and turns them over, his fingers stroking along her jaw.

"Gross" Tony complains walking into the room. "If you're gonna dry hump, do it in your own rooms" he warns and then sees bacon, his entire face lighting up. "Bacon...oink, oink, oink" Bucky looks to Sara who sighs and shakes her head. Bucky gives her a quick kiss and then stands helping her to her feet.

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