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Marsha walks through the foyer of the building whilst talking on her cell phone.

"Bring the damn car around. I'm not walking five blocks in my heels" Marsha stops under a large light fixture. A man stands at the railings on the next floor. He twists his hand and the chain holding the light fixture breaks. Marsha screams. At the last moment, Sara grabs Marsha and they both fall to the floor out of harm's way. Sara leans up.

"Are you okay?" she asks Marsha.

"How did you know?"

"'Cause you're not the first" Sara answers as she stands and then helps Marsha up. "Come on" Dean touches Sara's arm as he reaches them, she looks to him, he looks her over for injury before relaxing. She hates that. Dean turns to Marsha.

"You want to tell us what's up here?" Dean asks Marsha.

"I was having lunch with friends. This guy heard me bitching. Next thing I know, he's making me an offer"

"An offer?"

"Craig's job for my soul. I know. Hilarious. I mean, what have I got to lose?"

"Well, there's your soul" Sara points out before looking to Dean. "What kind of demon deal is this? Timeline's out" she asks him.

"What are you talking about? Demon?" Marsha asks them, Dean looks to her.

"You made a deal with a demon in exchange for your everlasting" Dean tells her.

"Except those are 10-year contracts" Sara adds. "Why's the bill coming due so fast?" she asks.

"I don't know, but I got a bad feeling about who's next" Dean answers. "We got to find Sam, pronto"

"All right" Sara agrees and pulls out her cell phone. "Okay, urm, plan" she scrolls her contacts. "Can get a jet here in....an hour ish" she looks to Dean who raises an eyebrow, she rolls her eyes and dials before taking a few steps away.


Dean leans against the wall not listening to Sara's conversation, he has a feeling it's her...super, grumpy, annoying, stupidly handsome soldier who stole his pie. He misses Sara's apple pies. Sara hangs up and moves back towards them, Dean leans up.

"Okay, Steve said he'd come and watch her. We drop her at a motel and he'll stop anything trying to get her. We, uh, find Sam, hopefully fix this, everybody's home in time for the new episode of "Dr. Sexy M.D.""


Dean and Sara enter Becky's apartment, gun and batons drawn. Sara walks through the apartment into the bedroom. Dean shakes his head at a framed wedding picture of Sam and Becky and flips through Becky's mail.

"Anything?" Dean asks, Sara is looking at Becky's laptop, which shows her Twitter page. The three Tweets she has made are listed.

"Uh, she's got 11 Twitter...ers" Sara answers. "Last post – "Going on romantic trip with hubster!!!" Three exclamation points. I guess she got excited" Dean holds up a picture of Becky standing outside her parents' cabin with a fishing rod and a fish.

"That look romantic to you?" he asks as Sara walks back into the room.

"Well..." she starts, Dean raises an eyebrow.

"Really?" he asks her, she shrugs.

"I like cabins" she answers, he watches her a moment before he looks back to the photo. He removes the back from the photo frame and takes out the photo. On the back is written: Becky's 1st fish. Loon Lake family cabin 1994.

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