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Sara wakes to her cell phone ringing, she blinks awake and turns her head to it, Bobby's name flashes on the screen, if it had been either Sam or Dean she might have ignored it, but Bobby is still her friend.

"Bobby?" Sara asks answering her cell phone, Bucky groans and curls around her.

"You seen the news today?" Bobby asks.

"No....why?" she asks back.

"You might want to, kid" Bobby answers. Sara grabs the tv remote from the bedside table and turns the tv on across from the bed, a new report opens.

"The two men, who up until today were presumed dead" The news reporter informs. "locked the doors and opened fire, leaving no survivors. Sam and Dean Winchester are now the subjects of a manhunt throughout the state of California" Bucky sits up and looks to Sara.

"Oh my God" Sara states. The security camera footage of Leviathan!Sam and Leviathan!Dean appears in the top right-hand corner of the screen. "Bobby" Sara states. "Tell me this is actually them"

"Of course it's not" Bobby tells her.

"And the leviathan you captured?" she asks.

"Not saying anything" Bobby answers. Sara sighs and brushes her hair back.

"I'm coming, this clearly shows that they have no idea what they are dealing with" Bucky sighs and lays back closing his eyes. "Whatever these monsters are.....you need more hands" she climbs out of bed and hangs up.

"What happened to not running off after your ex?" Bucky asks, Sara looks to him, he gives her a look.

"Bucky" she whispers. "This isn't just about him....Sam and Bobby are my friends, and these monsters...." Bucky shakes his head. "They're not like anything we've ever seen before" Bucky sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "If Dean wasn't involved, would you be okay with this?" she asks him, Bucky looks to her. "Do you not trust me at all?" she asks, he leans up again.

"It's not you I don't trust" he answers. "Sara, I know how incredible you are but I am worried about the day he realises it too, and he realises how much of a mistake he made breaking up with you"

"So what if he does" she argues. "Doesn't mean I am going to go back to him" Bucky looks to her. "I know this is new" she offers. "But I really want us to work...."

"I do too" he agrees. "I really do" he offers.

"But?" she asks.

"I don't want to share you with your ex" he answers. "No man would, Sara, it's unreasonable" she looks down and he sighs. "Go" he tells her weakly. "It's fine, just go"

"Bucky" she whispers.

"It's okay, Sara" he assures her. "This is who you are" he smiles at her sadly and shrugs. Sara sighs and then leaves the room, Bucky closes his eyes and lays back.

"Come with me" he opens his eyes to look at Sara, who's returned, stood in the doorway.

"What?" he asks.

"Come with me" she repeats. "If you're that worried, if you're that...territorial....come with me. I want you to see, that for me.....it's over"


Sara's pulls up outside of the cabin and turns off the engine, Bucky stares at the cabin, it's not what he expected.

"What is this place?" Bucky asks as her and Sara climb out of the car.

"My cabin" she answers. "Used to belong to Howard" she closes the door and moves to the trunk. Bucky follows her.

"And you gave it to....them?" he asks, she sighs and looks to him.

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