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Bobby stands watching a news report on the tv which explains an event in which, of course, Sam and Dean were part of.

"The Winchester crime spree has come to a violent end in Iowa, where they were gunned down" the reporter states, Bobby turns off the television and turns to Sara as she pulls on her jacket.

"That should take the heat off" she tells him.

"For now. Thanks, Sara. Couldn't have done it without you" Bobby tells her warmly and then looks to Bucky who walks up from the basement carrying a cardboard box. "Either of you"

"Anytime you need me to spill something else, you give me a call" Bucky teases lightly, Bobby smirks and then points to the box.

"Probably best you don't open it"

"Even if it starts talking?" Sara teases, Bobby snorts.

"Especially if it starts talking" he answers.

"Maybe we can give it to Thor" Bucky states. "Have him drop it in a black hole?"

"Not a bad idea" Sara offers with a fond smile.

"I'll put him in the car" Bucky tells her with his own dopey smile before leaving.

"I like him" Bobby admits looking to Sara. "Former brainwashed assassin aside. And you seem happy"

"I am" she assures him. "Bucky is good to me, kind, loving, warm....he makes me laugh and....I get this feeling in my chest when he smiles at me...." Bobby smiles warmly at her. She takes a deep breath. "It's time I moved on" she admits. "And I want to do that with Bucky. But I don't think it's going to work if I keep....." she sighs. "I need to cut Dean out of my life, Bucky will tell me it's unnecessary, that he can cope but he shouldn't have to, he deserves my full attention" Bobby nods, understands, in fact he would have told her the same thing. "I can't give Bucky less then what I gave Dean" Bobby moves to her and pulls her into a hug, Sara smiles and hugs him back.

"Take care of yourself" he whispers to her. "Stay safe....make sure he looks after you" he pulls back and smiles at her.

"Thank you" she tells him warmly and then leaves, Bobby smiles and shakes his head.


Bucky looks to Sara as she reaches him, she smiles warmly and pulls him closer to kiss him. He smiles against her lips and threads his fingers through her hair as he holds her closer to him. She pulls back and touches his chest.

"Let's go home" she whispers, he nods and kisses her softly again before pulling back. They both climb into the car before Sara drives them away from the cabin.


Dean opens the trunk of the hatchback, in which is a canvas bag and the My Little Pony. He unzips the bag, which contains the two Leviathan heads wrapped in plastic. Dean sighs.

"Are you sure you want to dump these things? I'm thinking they might actually come in handy down the road. What do you think?" he asks looking to Sam, who is leaning with his arms on the roof of the hatchback, doesn't reply. "Hey. What? What is it? Talk"


"Well, that's convincing. Did monster-us give you the jeebs, huh? 'Cause I gotta be honest – I ain't looking in the mirror for – for a while myself" Sam straightens up and turns to face Dean.

"Okay. You really want to know what's wrong?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, you know my – here to help"

""Here to help." Kind of like you helped Amy?" Sam asks, Dean looks surprised.

"Listen, Sam..."

"Don't – don't lie to me again. No, don't even talk to me. Yeah, I can't" Sam opens the rear passenger door of the hatchback and takes something out. "You know what, Dean?" Sam starts to walk away. "I can't" Dean takes a few steps towards Sam.

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