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Sara bounces over to the sofa and smiles wrapping her arms around Bucky's neck, he jerks alert slightly before relaxing and reaching up for her arm glancing to her.

"Hey, doll" he greets, she kisses his cheek.

"Did you miss me?" she asks him softly as she climbs over the back of the sofa to sit next to him. He smiles, relaxes, he's been tense since she left, she turns and sets her head in his lap, he pulls out her ponytail and then plays with her hair.

"Like you have no idea" he whispers answering her question, she smiles at him. "I love you" he tells her warmly.

"I love you too, Buck" he strokes her cheek and she nuzzles into it. "Hey, time for Dr. Sexy" she teases opening her eyes, he laughs and nods.

"Yeah, right on time" he agrees as the show starts on the tv across from them.

"Oh, and I got Steve to agree to buy everyone dinner" Bucky snorts.

"Really?" she nods. "Nice" he pokes her nose. "Oddly proud of you" she chuckles and sits up against to curl into his side, his arm around her, her head on his shoulder, he smiles and kisses her head. Utterly relieved that she is back at his side. He closes his eyes and holds her closer. She places her hand on his knee and squeezes. "Let's rain check dinner" he tells her, she turns her head to look up at him. "Let's you and me....order take out, sit in front of the tv and watch Westerns" she smiles and nods.

"You have no idea how perfect that sounds" she touches his chest.

"We can even make our own fort" he teases nudging her nose with his, she laughs and kisses him, he kisses her back before pulling away. "Or we can just go straight to bed..." he offers smirking. She smacks his chest as he laughs.

"I need to eat..." she scolds. "So do you" she points out. "We're both super soldiers.....we need to eat"


"What is going on in here?" Steve asks as he and Bruce stare at the pillow and box fort in the living room, Bucky jumps up and looks to them both, Bruce raises an eyebrow and smirks as Steve gives Bucky a look. "Are you naked?" Steve asks, Bucky looks down and then back to Steve.

"No" he answers, Steve crosses his arms over his chest.

"Are you lying?" Steve counters, Bucky bites his lip before smirking.

"Yes" He admits.

"Buck" Steve scolds.

"What? Not like you ain't seen it all before...." Bucky argues back, Bruce starts laughing and then coughs to cover it up when Steve shoots him a look.

"This is the communal living room" Steve tells Bucky. "Wait.....are you alone?" Steve asks, Bucky looks down and shakes his head.

"Hello, Sara" Bruce greets.

"Hello, Dr. Banner" Sara greets from inside the fort. Steve sighs and shakes his head.

"You both have your own rooms" he scolds.

"That's what Tony said" Sara states as she stands, luckily having pulled on Bucky's shirt. "But it's.....it just happens" Bucky nods agreeing. "Keep happening" she whispers, Steve sighs as Bruce looks down smirking.

"Your combined ages are more than 100" Steve scolds. "Try and act like it" he turns and leaves the room, Bruce gives the two of them a smile before following Steve, Bucky and Sara share a look before they are both laughing, Bucky pulling her closer to kisses her.

"Now...where were we?" he asks sliding his hands under the shirt.


Tony sits next to Bucky who eyes him carefully, Tony's been avoiding Bucky the last 2 months, given Bucky and Sara's relationship, this is new, Tony glances to him and then away.

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