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Bucky looks up from the tablet he'd stolen from Wilson's office as Sara walks passed him towards Tony who is pulling on his jacket, Bucky stares at Sara, she's all dressed up and she looks like she belongs in the 40's, and he actually loves it. Tony smiles and holds up her coat for her helping her put it on. Sara glances to Bucky who is still staring at her, she offers him a smile and his lips twitch up into his own one subconsciously. This has got to be more than just another of his obsessions, none of them felt like this, none of them....it's got to be more then just another singing giraffe. Even though he really did like those giraffes. Steve enters the room heading for Bucky who shoves the tablet behind his back quickly. Steve raises an eyebrow at his friend before noting Sara and Tony.

"Where are you two going?" Steve asks, Sara wraps the tie of her coat around her waist as Tony smirks.

"I'm taking my favourite sister out for dinner to cheer her up" Sara scoffs and looks to him.

"I'm your only sister" She corrects, Tony shrugs and smirks at her.

"Still need cheering up" he offers and touches her arm.

"Well you look beautiful, Sara" Steve tells her, she smiles.

"Thank you" she responds warmly.

"Ready to go?" Tony asks, she nods and they leave together, Bucky watches her walk away. Steve turns to him and shakes his head a little. Bucky glares at his friend and then walks away.


Bucky sits on the edge of his bed touching the tablet's screen flicking through Sara's file, problem is that it is all redacted, all of it except her name: Sara Stark and her code name: White Canary. Every single other piece of information is blacked out. Everything. He throws it onto the bed beside him and sighs. There has to be something, somewhere. He runs his hands over his legs and then stands. He knows that his new idea is absolutely going to get him into trouble. If he is caught. He smirks a little and leaves his room.


Bucky looks around approaching Sara's bedroom in Tony's wing of the tower before he turns the handle pushing the door open and steps in. It's clean, Steve clean, everything in it's place and everything folded and neat. The only thing out of place is the open wardrobe doors and the duffel sticking out of them. He moves to it and crouches pulling the bag the rest of the way out. He pulls the weapons out of the bag one by one and sets them next to him before he touches the cover of the journal, looking to it he pulls it out of the back and opens it up, touches the pie recipe on the first page before quickly flicking through the pages, her handwriting is precise, neat, elegant, even artistic. His eyes scan the pages, normal young woman things, she complains about Tony and the time he spent away from her, how she hated being alone in the Stark mansion, how lonely she was. But the later things, the last few years, the loose entries she talks about vampires, werewolves, ghosts, shapeshifters, demons, angels.....and Dean. Lots and lots on Dean, photos and sketches. She really loved him, even Bucky can see that. The way she writes about him and his brother and how much she loves travelling with them, loves working with them and living with them. And yeah, Bucky is a little jealous, a lot jealous.

"Bucky?" Steve asks pushing open Sara's bedroom door, Bucky looks up startled and closes the journal. "What are you doing?" Steve scolds.

"Nothing" Bucky mumbles standing and slipping the journal into the back of his trousers.

"Tony is this close to kicking us out" Steve warns. "And now you're rifling through his sister's pantie draw" Bucky pulls a face at his friend.

"I'm not in her pantie draw and don't say pantie....it's weird. I was just looking for something"

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