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3 Weeks later

Steve and Tony stand watching Bucky and Sara laughing on the couch whilst they watch Dr. Sexy M.D. They've been pretty inseparable since Tony lifted his rules on Bucky, in fact the only things Sara does alone now is shower, go to church and train, though Bucky has started watching the latter, not trusting himself enough to train with her, but he can watch her and offer suggestions. They've also been switch sharing beds, both sleeping better with company, both sleeping through the night knowing there is someone there next to them, someone they can trust. And they do both trust one another. Even after so little time.

"I've never seen her laugh like that" Tony admits. "At least she hasn't around me" Tony sighs. "Damn it, I hate being wrong"

"You really wanted him to hurt her?" Steve asks.

"Of course not....I just thought he would" Tony admits. "You know...given his history with this family" Steve shoots Tony a look, Tony smirks back at him.

"Wilson says he's doing really well in therapy" Steve offers. "And I know he's been sleeping better, and he hasn't had an episode in 4 weeks, when we first moved in he was having one every other day but since Sara moved in....."

"Yeah" Tony agrees. "It has been quiet" Tony looks to Steve. "I'm not giving them my blessing. Things could still go wrong. She was with Dean for 3 years and he broke her heart....." Tony turns and walks away, Steve sighs and shakes his head a little. Unlike Tony he can see how Bucky and Sara balance one another out. He smiles and then leaves them alone. Bucky and Sara glance back once Steve is gone.

"Do they know we can hear them?" Bucky asks, Sara looks to him.

"I don't think so" she answers. Bucky shrugs and turns back to the tv and Sara settles back against his side, his metal arm resting on the back of the couch behind her. It had taken him a while to become comfortable with his metal arm around her, but she'd grabbed it one day, without thinking to pull him along, and hadn't let go, or flinched, after that he wasn't as self-conscious about it around her. He smiles at her as she watches the screen, a little crinkle at the corner of her lips as she half smiles, he's come to realise that is her content smile, her comfortable smile. He makes her comfortable. He ghosts his metal fingers over the side of her arm and looks to her warmly, longingly, lovingly.


Sara sits crossed legged on the mat in the gym with her cell phone pressed to her ear, Sam had called whilst she'd been working out, and whilst she's currently not talking to Dean, she still is friends with Sam, and he's been filling her in over the last three weeks on both their recoveries.

"He won't admit it, Sara, but he does miss you" Sam tells her.

"He sent me away, Sam, I didn't choose this....and he knows where I am" Sam sighs.

"I know" he admits. "But he's stubborn...and...he's not going to make the first move here"

"And neither am I" Sara counters. "I'm the injured party here....it's done, we're over and I can't see that changing, I'm sorry because I know you are only trying to help, but I can't see a future with him, or even hunting.....I'm not going to sit around and wait for him to want me back. I'm sorry, Sammy" Sam sighs.

"No, I know...I just, I miss you"

"And I miss you too" Sara offers warmly. "And I'm here if you need me, but not on the little things, something big comes up, end of the world big and you really need help, then yes, I will be there....."

"Okay" Sam whispers. "Thank you"

"Goodbye, Sam" she tells him before hanging up, she sighs and hangs her head.

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