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Sara holds out a slip of paper to Dean who takes it from her, he glances to Bucky who's watching them, studying them.

"So you and....gramps, huh?" he asks, Sara raises an eyebrow at him.

"What of it?" she asks back.

"Are you two....." Dean clicks his tongue, Sara sighs and crosses her arms over her chest. "Well....are you?"

"Would it matter if we were?" she counter asks and then sighs again. "It's been four months, Dean, don't you think it's time we both moved on? So yes....me and Bucky are dating" she admits. "Not that it's any of your business. You broke up with me remember...." she motions to the slip of paper. "Be careful, Frank's not exactly....all there" she turns and walks to Bucky who smiles at her. Dean watches them a moment, the way he watches her, checking on her, making sure she's safe, even within the cabin. He can't really hate on that. If he can't protect her at least someone else can. Doesn't mean he has to like it either. Some other man touching the woman he loves. Bucky glances to him and then smirks, Dean turns away and looks to the slip of paper with Frank's address on.


Sara glances out the window as the Impala pulls out of the drive and heads away from the cabin.

"I believe you" Bucky tells Sara, stood behind her, she glances to him. He brushes her hair back and kisses her softly. She pulls back to set her head on his shoulder, he wraps his arm around her.


At a service station the Impala pulls up to the pumps and Dean and Sam get out.

"The usual?" Sam asks.

"Rhymes with sing-songs" Dean answers.


Sam puts a box of "Bing Bongs" chocolate cupcakes with vanilla filling, two bottles of water and some other items on the counter.

"You guys sell protein bars?" Sam asks.

"Yeah" The Clerk takes a long look at Sam's face. "But it's in -- it's in the back, though. Just, uh, give me a second"

"Sure. Thanks" The Clerk takes out his cell phone as he walks to the back room. Sam sees security footage of himself and Dean playing on a television behind the counter.


Sam walks out of the convenience store, Dean is filling the Impala.

"Pretty sure the cashier just made me. Drive" Dean replaces the pump and they leave, tires squealing.


Sam and Dean drive up to an unlit house in the Impala and get out.

"You sure this is the right place?" Dean asks, Sam nods.

"Yeah" They go to the front door and Sam knocks. "Frank, you in there? Frank?" They open the door. "Frank?" Sam and Dean go inside and walk through the house in the dark. "Frank? Frank, anybody here? Hello? Anybody home?" Someone turns on a lamp. Sam and Dean turn to find Frank sitting in an armchair, pointing a gun at them.

"Well, well. Spider caught some flies" Frank states. "Well, I'll be darned. Psycho Butch and Sundance. You're on CNN right now"

"No, no, t-that's not us" Sam argues.

"I know. Can't be. Unless you had a teleporter. Do you have a teleporter?" Frank asks, Dean shakes his head.

"No, sir. We don't" Sam answers.

"Well, my condolences on the doppelgangers. Now, who sent you? NSA? The Feeb? March of Dimes?" Frank asks.

"Uh, Sara Lance sent us" Dean answers, Frank growls, gets to his feet and cocks his weapon. "Or not. Who?" Dean holds out his hands placatingly. "S-he said you could help. She said you owed him, from Port Huron" Dean offers. After a pause, Frank lowers his weapon.

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